1. And the top performing organic keywords are. There are several more sections on the home page that could be considered interesting: theres a banner to entice new hosts to sign up (which is way too low down the page in opinion), and the categorisation of experiences and homes which I could review. Another benefit is that there is no perceived substitute considering that the organisation focuses on the quality and nature of the service (Arens & Hamilton, 2018). I cant imagine youd find much, if any, content on the Australian Twitter account which hasnt been shared to Facebook or Instagram already, but thats ok, as with only 10.8k Followers on Twitter and 19% of Aussies using it, I dont think Airbnb need to worry about creating unique content for this channel. Always thinking ahead, Chloe is interested in transformational changes to businesses and how relevant content and targeted messaging can catalyse high-level goals. Their campaigns have not always been popular and they are not strangers to admitting when they were wrong. But their strategies dont just relate to customer acquisition. Great read! Either way, the content is highly relevant to the search term and the location which certainly cant hurt. When you share the direct link, you get this landing page. Im now shown a ranked list of recommendations with comments from Airbnb hosts and a Google Map with pins corresponding to each place. Signing up can take a bit of time. Experiences are still a fairly new product and so introducing it on the home page makes sense. Cultivating community and maintaining trust among stakeholders is one of the solid bases of Airbnb competitive advantage. Its almost like trying to decide where you want to live, even if only for a short period of time. So what can we learn from Airbnbs referral program? Airbnb isnt a place where you book hotels (even though you can). They allow them to not only keep their brand front of mind but the exact location/s someone has been browsing for their next trip what better way to drive a sale? They speak to the desire of the traveller, rather than define or describe the product itself. Weve now deep-dived into how the mechanics work when inviting a user as a referral to the platform, but what else can we find on the page where we can invite friends? This trust isnt so much between the user and Airbnb, its trust amongst hosts and guests. Its revenues can grow to $8.5 Billions an year by 2020. was a discussion of the generic and intensive strategies used by Air BnB to build a competitive advantage and grow its market share. Most people, you would expect, will have done this research early on, but it certainly cant hurt to display at this stage. This is why the historical number of backlinks is shown as 2,650,000. And most of all, they provide a large amount of content for relevant destinations on their side, giving them a huge organic backlink strategy. What has Airbnb done well? Its interesting that theyre all in North America though; it makes me wonder if theyre using my geo location at all or if they only personalise the experience for people who are logged in (Im assuming that most of their traffic comes from the US). Well now they are more widespread, with two in particular (Bali and Phuket) as common places for Australians to travel to. Moreover, the report contains analyses of Airbnb leadership, organizational structure and organizational culture. They could benefit from using their Instagram to tell more stories, as these are a great way to connect with people. Airbnb recognise some travel credit associated with my account and insert this into the email to remind me. The idea then evolved into a website where others could do the same, and travellers could get a cheaper option than a hotel. This is why improving their generic [location] accommodation organic keyword rankings should be a focus for the Airbnb marketing team, with a recommendation being a more aggressive content marketing strategy. Given that most of their pitch to consumers is to experience a location like a local, it seems like a very simple and logical step to offer paid activities provided by local hosts. And like most marketplace sites, the buyer often wants information about the supplier to know if whats on the page can be trusted. As a new potential host, this instantly illuminates that Airbnb and the community are here to support. At this stage, as I havent put in any dates, Airbnb only need a couple of details to make sure its available, so thats all they ask for. Airbnb could double down on this strategy to lower the barrier to entry and improve retention with a stronger content-driven approach to educate and raise awareness on becoming a host and building your Airbnb business. Lets take a look at Melbourne, for example. I particularly like how the where field in the hero form is pre-populated with the destination based on the users initial search query. Their local twitter pages arent very impressive and it seems theyre more like an afterthought rather than a planned out strategy. People go onto Airbnb to look for cheap properties and luxurious properties, in busy cities and remote countrysides. Differentiation Strategy Unique features that increase value of goods and services Consumers are willing to pay a higher price. In fact, we wrote an article on it not too long ago. Idea to save money for your next trip: use Airbnb. Airbnb has turned me into a huge advocate by just connecting with my preferred way to travel. Both could be applicable in the below scenario. Its a simple call to action (CTA) header, and it outlines exactly what the website is set out to do: Book unique homes and experiences. Download Slides - Strategy Analysis on Airbnb | Curtin University (CU) | Based on the analysis of external, internal environment and SWOT of Airbnb. Airbnb stock has jumped . As a general rule of thumb, I think your imagery/posts should fit into at least one or more of these criteria: But how many of the above are Airbnb actually achieving with their current strategy? As much as reviews are helpful in the booking process, once we hit book on the platform, were then putting our trust in a complete stranger being a good host and the host is putting their trust in us being an equally good guest. The strange thing is, Im on the Australian domain so you would assume they at least have it personalised there. Differentiation strategy examples: Coca Cola. Sell Documents . Theyre spending their budget on users who have shown high intent, and show them highly relevant ads to increase the chance of conversion. Whats worked to their advantage is the creativity they have shown in getting users to engage with their stories and to keep clicking through. And using the concept of ' Sharing Econom y', they created a newfound supply of income for the hosts. From these posts, its clearer what kind of things people ask in the local community. This shows that in terms of success, branded keywords currently play a huge role in their organic success, and should continue to be a primary driver of organic traffic in the future. This way, anyone who wants to ask can go straight to this thread and, even without contributing to the thread, they may have their questions answered. By creating a hyper-local section of the community pages, Airbnb have reduced the clutter on the main section, while also building a community within the community. We can easily deep-dive and go back across all the years to see how theyve improved it over time, but then again this article (which is already long), would become much bigger. The fact that your friend or recipient receives credit when signing up (in this case $76), it doesnt feel as if the user is taking advantage of the situation or the recipient feeling used. Airbnb Model can select one or more attributes that can uniquely . This document provides the Strategic Plan for Airbnb for 2017-2021. Here are some more that you may want to consider. Cynics will say it comes down to price, and in a lot of instances theyre right. Having all of the negative posts in their own section keeps them out of the minds of users who have been having a good experience. Airbnb showcase four 4.5 star homes in Santa Monica that have availability for the dates I selected. What Airbnb have done well is how easy they make it to Invite Friends or Invite Hosts via Desktop & Mobile application. Well, press Send, duh! A lot of the invitation mechanism is the same above, just done in a different experience with mobile considerations. These work off rules which you set within the software, leaving you time to focus on the more important things. Im not 100% sure of the exact reason why we can only see this for now. The blue ocean strategy focuses on creating demand in the uncontested market space, and by doing this, it makes the competition unrelated and irrelevant. Its important to do some of the work for them. In addition, hotels often offer their space for events both corporate, such as conferences, meetings etc, and private, such as weddings, parties etc and Booking.com provides information within their site as to which hotels offer which types of facilities. If Airbnb Plus is an example of a product upsell, their Experiences are a great example of a cross-sell. Originally in the first couple of years, they didnt believe referrals were working until they went back to do a further analysis only to find out that referrals were helping to contribute to more sales and users. If you are familiar with the search engine optimisation space, its likely youve run into the term backlinks before. The summary section is helpful, though it surprises me that it cant be used as an option when filtering search results. For such a competitive space, Airbnb is considered one of the more competitive players. The final call to action is also positioned with low intent language: Ultimately, I like how Airbnb have approach their landing page strategy and Im sure the breath of dynamically generated pages as well as their recommendation engine was resource intensive. leadership. So what does the mobile experience look like for Hosts? 2. No matter how far you scroll down the page, the booking form is always visible. Airbnb Inc. Report contains a full analysis of Airbnb business strategy. Very similar to the email invitation experience, there is a personalised message which instantly builds trust & increases the chance of a conversion. For this reason, I think Airbnb have been smart to not make Twitter an integral part of the Australian Airbnb strategy. Theres often value in understating things, but this isnt one of those moments. To successfully pull this off, some differentiation strategy education needs to take place. It is only the US version of Airbnb Stories which is ranking in position #1 on page #1 on Australian desktop for the search term Airbnb Testimonials (avg monthly search volume 70). But its one that many businesses wouldnt have made, and I think it speaks volumes to the type of business Airbnb see themselves as. As to how people are arriving at this section of the site, this is likely through organic search, email traffic, and social promotion. Theres definitely a lot here we can learn from Airbnb. Its a great way to incentivise. Clear & succinct messaging focused on value certainly helps those wanting to share. Airbnb created a new type of traveller through their product in 2006, and since then have developed that persona further and grown the market. Keep up the amazing work. Using it as a reference to our paper. Web. In 2018, a Sensis social media report found that 19% of Australian social media users accessed Twitter this was compared to the 91% who had used Facebook. I noticed they use three main hooks in their Dynamic Ads copy: Find an Airbnb in [Location] with free cancellation. According to SimilarWeb, approximately 12% of Airbnb.com.aus total website traffic is via paid search. As I go down the page, I see what the hot discussion topics are at the time in the worldwide community. How do you convince people to open up their home and allow guests to stay? Certainly not at the expense of anything else that was already there. It seems as though that previous history doesnt seem to influence the options Im presented with. 5C Marketing Analysis of Airbnb 4P Marketing Analysis of Airbnb Porter Five Forces Analysis and Solution of . All of this is inspected by a real person so youre ensured of its accuracy. It usually best to do this when someone has committed to making a purchase, but it doesnt hurt to get them thinking about it at this stage of the process and see what activities are available. Airbnb understands that most travellers care about location. The copy directly below the form gives you more insight into whats going to happen when you fill it in. Lets take a look at the non-personalised version of the home page first. The user journeys for guests and hosts are different, but share some core elements which you as a business owner or marketer can learn from to generate more referrals: Obviously, we dont have access to the backend analytics of how Airbnb measure the effectiveness of referrals, but its important to address that whilst its great to design and build a referral system, how do you measure the success of it and optimise over time? a common problem or situation about hosting). The primary reason is that it comes down to the decision-making process. In a differentiation strategy Airbnb Model can seek to be unique in its industry by providing a value proposition that is cherished by buyers. Building on this approach, I would also be looking to remarket to anyone that opened the email via Facebook, Display, or Gmail ads with additional information or incentives for them to register as a host. Lets firstly take a look at the layout of the Refer Hosts Page. Based on 3 different assumptions, the potential impact of referrals could have a dramatic compound effect on the bottom line in a very good way indeed. In the mobile app, we can see Invite Friends which stands out. BONUS: Don't have the time to read all 29,000 words right now? Mimic Airbnb's strategy by: Marketing your Airbnb as an experience, not just a building There are several marketing strategies like product innovation, pricing approach, promotion planning etc. All Rights Reserved. In this section Ill be looking at how they use Facebook (both paid and non paid), Instagram, and Twitter to promote themselves, attract new guests and hosts, and keep existing users engaged. Airbnb does a good job at community management on Facebook, and I expect that they have a dedicated team managing this. Airbnb started out in 2008 when founders Brian Chesky and Joe Gebbia realised they could make a quick buck by renting out an air mattress in their living room to people visiting San Francisco for a big conference. Meanwhile, the hosts are all rated 4.8 or above. Outside of their sponsored Page posts and Dynamic Ads, the rest of Airbnbs ads strategy currently focuses on one thing signing up hosts. I see value for both brands and customers when offering customer service through a platform like Twitter, as any response you provide is then in the public domain. As Jacqui mentioned in her search analysis, wed recommend taking a much more aggressive content marketing strategy to drive organic search traffic for branded and non-branded keywords to really ramp up search growth. The rest of it is then up to the host to make sure they have a profile that people feel they can connect to so that they want to stay there. It could have been something that ruined the companys reputation and destroyed their business, but they reacted strongly and turned it into a strength. As a travel company, cultural celebration is at the heart of Airbnbs business model. Theres even an image of the host to prove its a real person behind it all. However, theres not much to be gleaned from it for most businesses to be able to action, so well leave the home page review there for now. Ill be looking at specifics here and sharing how they use personalisation to deliver the best experience. Its clear what Airbnb want the users attention to focus on. But what about my browsing history before that? Theres a thirst for it; local lifestyles, customs and culture, transformative moments. [1] At a close look, Airbnb business strategy consists of the following three elements: 1. Available for free on the Airbnb website, more than 200,000 were ordered within three days of the campaigns launch. These business strategies, based on Airbnb marketing mix, help the brand succeed in the market. As this action could mean swiping left to the next Story, why not try and encourage a click-through to your website or app earlier, if thats one of your objectives with the Story? Like this product? Usually, this strategy is followed when businesses are in a more demanding state. But that wont be enough, theyll need a comprehensive backlink strategy to appear authoritative and rank for the relevant keywords. It is important to note that the company hasnt raised any money from investors since March 2017, when it raised USD448 million. This case study aims to answer all of the questions above by taking a deep dive into the specifics of each of their digital marketing channels and tactics. Currently, video is used for their more polished, brand-focused posts and does not feature user-generated content. Through the section Connect Locally, you come to this particular page. The form is simple and captures the bare minimum the search results page later can be used to refine what youre looking for, but in the first instance lets just find out where youre going, when youre going, and who youre going with. Then underneath, we dont see the email option to send a personalised invite right away. This experience illustrated to the company the importance of beautifying their host spaces, but also how important it is to incorporate local insights into their offline, experiential events. After finding success in doing this manually, they created a script that would automatically email all new listings on Craigslist and notify them about Airbnb. They began offering their customers ways to specifically experience life as a local, as well as sleep like one. So what happens next? However, they are easily imitable and do not offer strong differentiation for Airbnb in the long term. For the example of byron bay accommodation, Brendan found that Airbnb are bidding to be in either position 1 or position 2 of ads for related search terms, both branded and generic, and are receiving an estimated 2,326 visits per month to their ad. Build something of value for your customers that isnt easy to replicate Jason Fried, Founder of 37 Signals. Businesses under Airbnb follow different types of pricing strategies to attract their consumers. Essentially, Dynamic Ads are automation at its finest. However with the above strategy they could certainly become more of a competitor for Wotif.com. When the breadcrumb structured data is not implemented correctly, it looks instead like this. Its particularly interesting that Airbnbs spend allocated to accommodation-themed keywords significantly outweighs spend on hotel-related keywords. 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