In February 1986, Seal. Parkss computer was purged by an expert, and 130 tapes of telephone conversations were confiscated. After six investigations, no one to date has been indicted for the train murders or any other crime that has occurred at Mena. Do not mourn George Herbert Walker Bush. Catastrophic Covid Vax Mandates Shutting Down Hospitals, Medical Centers and Healthcare Systems Like This?! The next president will likely be a criminal, in a long line of criminals, or a puppet that is controlled by these same criminal forces. How much did Clinton know about what he called Lasaters deal in that conversation with L.D. In other words: nothing to see here, move on. Seal was one of the central operatives, whose CIA career and work in Mena are detailed in Daniel HopsickersBarry & The Boys: The CIA, the Mob and Americas Secret History. A pilot, Seal moved much of his smuggling operation from Baton Rouge to Rich Mountain Aviation at Mena Intermountain Airport . In fact, the Arkansas Crime Syndicate, headed by Bill Clinton, became so deeply involved, that the CIA became concerned that they would be exposed. He also says he was mindful of the secrecy agreement he had signed with the CIA. As suggested by probes into Clintons emails, and evidence from Wikileaks, the Hillary Clinton State Department ran foreign policy as its own shadow government apparatus, likely beyond the control of Obama, and engaged in illegal activities over all objections from the Obama faction. Their violence and perversion is not simply private dirty laundry, but sickness that manifests in public action, with worldwide impact. Adler Berriman Seal popularly known as Barry Seal was born on July 16, 1939, in Baton Rouge, Louisiana. That operation didn't go quite as planned for a number of reasons, including the fact that Cruise's character, the real-life and long-dead Barry Seal, was enlisted by the Medelln drug cartel. Tom Cruise's American Made is based on the story of Barry Seal, . Trumps choice of Mike Pence as vice presidential running mate should crush all hope for those who believe that a Trump White House would be free of the Bush poison. The entire Clinton image is a lie, one of the countless frauds played on the American masses. Its business includes CIA black ops, the funding of terrorists (ISIS), the destabilization of nations, war provocations, extra-judicial political assassinations, currency fraud, money laundering, and treason. Bush and Bill Clinton planned to pass the White House between the two of them, and between their respective political clans, thereby maintaining the New World Order for the long term. Died of a gunshot wound to the back of the head, ruled a suicide. Seal was assassinated in 1986 after turning DEA informant. The CIA chose Arkansas because it was like the banana republic where politicians could be bought for money. Foster himself, was a partner with Hillary in the Rose Law firm. Contrary to her manufactured image, she is not a populist liberal, and is the opposite of a motherly or sisterly figure who cares about children and the disadvantaged and the poor. Two years later, he would be shot dead in Louisiana. Surrounded by the Ouachita National Forest, Mena is a gateway to some of the most visited tourist attractions in Arkansas. Following her criminal CIA activities in Arkansas to her co-management of the Clinton White House tenure, Hillary became New York senator. This was part of the Iran-Contra affair, in which the US . Anything could be achieved with money. The distribution within the United States was handled by the Mafia. It does seem, however, that Clinton was far less cautious. Published Feb 10, 2014. The population was 5,558 as of the 2020 census.Mena is included in the Ark-La-Tex socio-economic region. CIA station chief in Costa Rica, Joe Fernandez, sent a confidential message to the FDN (Nicaraguan Democratic Force), authorizing them to seek alternative funds. A $500,000 contract on Seals life soon followed. The final moves on the Grand Chessboard are before us: all of the Middle East and Central Asia, the worlds last reserves of oil, are in play, Syria is on the edge, Russia is under attack, and nuclear holocaust is a terrifying possibility. The Clintons have gone to great lengths, (e.g Vince Foster), to maintain their cover-up of their CIA Arkansas operation. his family to Mena, Arkansas. is above the law! It was a CIA operation started by Regan and furthered by GH Bush. Iran-Contras whistleblowers, and investigators (many of whom are mentioned above) have been threatened, discredited, kidnapped, jailed, and some, such as Barry Seal, murdered. Planes returning from Central America would be carrying cocaine. (OBrien, who continues to speak out about her experience and CIA psychological operations, was allegedly rescued by former CIA operative Mark Phillips. All the budget working groups, he was there, the economic working groups, the Cabinet meetings. In his book, Reed describes a meeting held in an ammunition bunker outside of Little Rock attended by Bill Clinton, CIA operative (and Bush associate) Felix Rodriguez, and Clinton Security Chief Raymond Young. But Trump is a businessman. So last month, we filed a lawsuit seeking a long-hidden report by the CIA inspector general into events at Mena. InThe Conspirators: Secrets of an Iran-Contra Insider, Al Martin describes the Iran-Contra Enterprise that a vast operation that included (and was not limited to) drugs, weapons, terrorism, war, money laundering, criminal banking and securities fraud, currency fraud, real estate fraud, insurance fraud, blackmail, extortion, and political corruption that involved countless Washington politicians of both Republican and Democratic parties. At a spring 2016 Republican debate attended by the Bushes, George H.W. She laughed sadistically when asked about the killing: Clintons CIA Benghazi operation wasdirectly out of the Iran-Contra playbook: a covert arms deal funnelling weapons to vetted anti-Assad Syrian terrorist groups and Al-Qaeda. He never worked for Bill Clinton when he was the Governor of Arkansas. Contributions are received from Most of the operations insiders and whistleblowers placeGeorge H.W.Bushas one of its top architects, if not its commander. In spite of the evidence, every investigator who has tried to expose the crimes of Mena has been professionally destroyed. Beginnings The first rough airstrip was located south of the town on the McBride family's . Under the disguise of an "aircraft refurbishing center", Mena was an arms and drug smuggling ring working for President Ronald Reagan's Contra war against the Sandinistas. Judicial Watch is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. Bill Clinton is no saint, and he did have numerous affairs, but there is no valid evidence that he had anything to do with this. All of it can be traced back to Iran-Contra, the Bushes, and the Clintons. All attempts to prosecute were largely unsuccessfulblocked, stalled, or given a limited hangout treatment. 'https://ssl' : 'http://www') + ''; The "extensive joint investigation" by the FBI, Arkansas State Police and IRS disclosed in the May, 1986, FBI memo released last week, that pilot Barry Seal admitted to smuggling large quantities of cocaine from Colombia to the United States and testified before a Senate investigative committee prior to his death. Weinberger faced charges of lying to Congress about his knowledge of the arms and drug smuggling that President George W. Bush had endorsed. The testimony reveals a scheme whereby massive amounts of cocaine were smuggled into the State of Arkansas.. He became a key witness in the federalgovernments war on the powerful Colombian cocaine cartel. The entire operation however, would have to have bi-partisan efforts. He writes: Evidence emerged suggesting that the CIA was operating in the area in the early 1980s; that a major cocaine and gun smuggler was based at the airfield; and that the U.S. military was somehow involved. A Hillary Clinton presidency ensures this. We was caught and became an informant for the DEA while he continued to run operations for the CIA. He also referred to Clinton, familiarly, as the guv. He is included in almost all the meetings.. It was originally an Air Force transport plane Seal dubbed it the Fat Lady. Barry Seal with his Wife Deborah DeBois and their kids. Dead people? Their friends dominate the corporate media and Hollywoodthe shapers of The Big Lie. They were not found near Mena, where the author puts them. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Then, Brown says, Seal reached again into the duffel bag and pulled out a kilogram of cocaine. InGeorge Bush: The Unauthorized Biography, Webster Tarpley wrote that, many once-classified documents have come to light, which suggest that Bush organized and supervised many, or most, of the criminal aspects of the Iran-Contra adventures., Tarpley further points out that George H.W. BEST OF: Left Targets Elon Musk, FBI Investigated Fauci Agency, CA Court Vi BEST OF: Twitter Changed Rules to Ban Trump! Global narcotics trafficking, money laundering, fraud and financial looting. The interview with Brown, in which he had spoken only about Hale and not about Mena, was killed. Notify me of followup comments via e-mail. She is hell-bent on getting it. Whistleblower Stew Webb has fought the Bush-Clinton machine for decades, and his work helped break the S&L, HUD, and Denver Airport scandals, and major aspects of Iran-Contra. Every dirty trick imaginable. Barry is convicted and is sentenced to 1,000 hours of community service. >spring of 1984 till February 1985. Second, the boys were found in Bryant, Arkansas, not far from their home. 2 - Barry Seal - Drug running TWA pilot out of Mena, Arkansas, his death was no accident. Mena was used as a training ground for the contras and a pipeline for illegal drug smuggling. ONe more thing, There were so many murders regarding Mena and all ofthe people who were invollved, One thing that i never could figure out was who was committing these murders of witnesss and then i found information that mentioned vast amount of training going on of Contras as well as the Sandanistas. Comeon, you seriously gonna say this is all coincidental? The narcotics runner, Barry Seal, allegedly paid off then-Governor Clintons protg, L. D. Brown, and one Dan Lasater, a Clinton contributor. ABC was also told that brown had failed a psychological test. Officials at the Arkansas Studies Institute suggested their concerns were legal and financial, associated with vetting the book, but Leveritt wasnt buying it. I dont want to be getting any more reports from Brown is the statement by Tucker that Colonel Tommy Goodwin, the recently retired head of the Arkansas state police, quoted in explaining the demotion to me in an interview. Barry, his two brothers, Benjy and Wendell, his mom, a homemaker, and his dad, a candy wholesaler, lived in a house on Lovers Lane. This suggests that George H.W.Bush (who prior to his appointment as Vice President headed the CIA) not only ran Iran-Contra, but much of the Reagan presidency. Brown recalls that on the morning of this particular flight, Seal had told him to drive to Mena Intermountain Regional Airport, a remote air strip near the Oklahoma border. In 1981, Seal set up shop at Mena. According to Customs sources, Seal's operations at Mena and other bases were involved in the export of guns to Bolivia, Argentina, Peru, and Brazil, as well as to the Contras, and the importation of cocaine from Colombia to be sold in New York, Chicago, Detroit, St. Louis, and other cities, as well as in Arkansas itself. var _gaq = _gaq || []; foundations, and corporations and are tax-deductible to the extent allowed by law. Subsequently, Brown says, Seal called him at home, and set up a meeting at Cajuns Wharf, a popular Little Rock watering hole. Seal's financial records show from the early eighties, for example, instances of daily . Bush and Bill Clinton feature prominently. George H.W. He gathered information on Medellin cartel kingpins and participated in at least two drug runs to Nicaragua, where the Reagan administration was ramping up operations against the Sandinista government. The CIA stonewalled the release of information now sought by Judicial Watch on the Mena Airport controversy, said Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton. But the feds scraped a five year probe of Mena and interfered in local investigations The state police were taken off the case. Then-Governor Bill Clinton managed the Arkansas operation in conjunction with the Bushes, Oliver North, Barry Seal and other deep cover operatives. Their deaths at the time were ruled accidental byClinton-appointed state medical examiner, Dr. Fahmy Malak. It also appeared that no one from 1987 to 1993 had interviewed anyone of any significance in the case. 1983 - 1995 - Federal investigations are covered up and shut down. Far from staying background, Clinton liked direct involvement. Adler Berriman "Barry" Seal (July 16, 1939 - February 19, 1986) murdered in Baton Rouge, Louisiana. In a classic case of being in the wrong place at the wrong time, Kevin and Don stumbled right into a police protected drug drop site, where Law enforcement officials and drug smugglers were waiting to see who might show up. It exists to protect and expand a vast racketeering operation that has enjoyed control and power for generations. Key operatives in Iran-Contra were George Bush, Oliver North, Dewey Clarridge, John Pointdexter and Caspar Weinberger. Barry is then given the assignment to move guns for the Contras, even being allowed to own his own airport and planes for the job. It all started in 1984 when Congress cut off funding for the Nicaraguan resistance. A town of 5,400 people that harbored the airport for one of the busiest drug smuggling in operations in the world. At present, although there is no reason to believe any of the allegations, we are declining to comment publicly, pending exhaustive searches of DO files, as tasked by ICA. The Bushes and Clintons are racists. The evidence details a bizarre mixture of drug smuggling, gun running, money laundering and covert operations by Barry Seal, his associates, and both employees and contract operatives of the United States Intelligence Services. Clinton made deals to launder CIA money through his scam loan agency, Arkansas Development and Finance Authority. Mourn what he took. document.getElementById( "ak_js_2" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Judicial Watch Asks for Discovery Concerning President Bidens Senate Papers Leveritt was reluctant at first, but soon warmed to the task and got to work. BRITISH RIOT PHOTOS: The Brits Finally Begin to Take Back Their PowerBIG TIME! Cathy OBrien(author ofTrance Formation of America) claims to have witnessed and overheard meetings as far back as the early 1980s in which George H.W. As senator, she facilitated the Bush/New World Order agenda faithfully. They and their colleagues have dominated the American government, the military-intelligence apparatus, the judicial system, the financial markets, and the banks. Third, since the author lies about where the boys were found, his other sweeping accusations against Bill Clinton and his evil, criminal ways are totally unbelievable. As a result of that arrest, Barry Seal will "get with the program" and move his smuggling activities up to Mena Arkansas. Instead, he says, he found this huge military plane that was not actually a military plane. He made four trips to Nicaragua that year, allegedly to document the complicity in cocaine trafficking. The CIA does not talk about these things, and so Browns exact relationship with the agency may never be known. If someone found this, it would be traceable right back to Mena. Indeed, Clinton had taken an active role in helping Brown. It must be noted now that Clintons efforts to distance himself from Mena have persisted for years. Paid seat fillersto fillempty venuesto create the appearance of a huge crowd. I knew the agency had an extensive file on Seal, Leveritt wrote, because Id read it decades earlier, shortly after Seals murder. Meanwhile, Brown says, he confronted Clinton, asking him if he knew that Seal was dealing in drugs and unreported currency. He was a gunrunner to Cuba, and a veteran of the Bay of Pigs. ___ A Hillary Clinton presidency guarantees that all the things that the New World Order wants done will continue to get done. Corruption is rampant. Bush at the top of the pyramid. Judicial Watch Sues Pentagon Records About Key Medical Database ), and on and on. Unfortunately for the Bushes, Donald Trump is enormously popular, and his campaign attacks on all three Bush plants (Jeb, Ted Cruz and Marco Rubio) were effective. The pilot of the plane was Barry Seal, a legendary drug trafficker. There were no local dignitaries present, Bender says, and Clinton did not seem to be taking part in any official function. According to a DailyMail report, Haynes bought his supply from Barry Seal, a Louisiana smuggler for the Medellin Cartel who operated out of Mena Airport. The New World Order was careful to place Joe Biden and Hillary Clinton in charge of foreign policy, and a right-wing Republican opposition to prevent any independent action on Obamas part. Cocainea lot of itflowed in. The Mena Intermountain Municipal Airport near the city of Mena (Polk County) in the Ouachita Mountains of western Arkansas is located approximately 160 miles west of Little Rock (Pulaski County). In 1986, he was convicted of drug distribution, and lost his state securities license. Seal was killed on the evening of Feb. 19, 1986, machine-gunned in. It will require creative and devastating work on behalf of Wikileaks and others who possess damning information to bypass the Bush-Clinton propaganda organs, directly to the minds of people. AboutPressCopyrightContact. He says he feared he was being set up made a conspirator in an operation he despised. Hillary Clinton says: It was Hillary Clinton whose actions helped install a puppet government integrated by Neo-Nazis in Ukraine, towards a full-blown war with Russia. InCrossing the Rubicon, he wrote, I was greatly disappointed by Perots sudden withdrawalwhich I later concluded had to do with assuring a Clinton victory. operative extraordinaire is hardly a familiar name in American politics. Let us recall the words of John F. Kennedy from a tragically prescient 1961 speech that helped trigger his own murder: The word secrecy is repugnant in a free and open society, and we are, as a people, inherently and historically opposed to secret societies, secret oaths and secret proceedings. Former Clinton insiders such asLarry Nicholsattest to it. On Feb. 19, 1986, Seal was getting out of his white Cadillac in the parking lot of the Salvation Army Community Treatment Center in Baton Rouge when he was shot to death by a Colombian wielding a small machine-gun. He said the money had been brought back from Tegucigalpa. Owing to a case that Brown was then working on that could have implicated Tucker, Brown believes the demotion was illegal. Hillary Clinton was also a key player. Before long, Seal was importing up to a thousand pounds of cocaine a month. Seal used the Mena airport for storage of planes and repair. Drug king pin, Adler B. They had worked steadily together, as DEA informants from the. Barry Seal's life has become the stuff of legend. As for Mena, Arkansas, it was home to Operation Black Eagle, the most massive covert operation in US history. The Rose Law Firm, of which Hillary Clinton and Webster Hubbell were senior partners, negotiated contracts for the CIA in Mena, Arkansas, and helped set up numerous fraudulent CIA fronts for cocaine and weapons transit. But questions about Seal's relationships with drug cartels as well as high-ranking American . After Brown told Sealand Clintonthat he would no longer take part in the drug flights, Seal contacted Brown again. Im from Arkansas and remember the investigations of the boys deaths. A joint investigation by the FBI, Arkansas State Police and IRS revealed that Barry Seal used the Mena airport for "smuggling activity" from late 1980 until March, 1984, according to the documents released last week. These are the equivalent of Barry Seal in the Jeffrey Epstein and Ghislaine Maxwell covert operation. Nice, but did you know that the boys on the railroad tracks incident happened NOWHERE NEAR MENA? This, even as the passage of time, increasingly available evidence, and the damning testimonies of his own former operatives have amply placed him as Iran-Contras boss. And much of that legend owes itself to the manner in which his life ended. It chronicles Barry Seal's career in the CIA from the 1960s (recruited by David Ferrie, a participant in the assassination of JFK), to his smuggling of large amounts of cocaine (through the Mena, Arkansas airport) that helped fund the "Contra" war of the 1980s. : Then the plane dropped to what Brown calls an altitude a hell of a lot lower than what youd think youd fly. He suspected Seal was trying to evade radar. The C-123K also had a history. . Seal flipped, becoming a valuable government informant. When ABC News interviewed Brown in the fall of 1994, the White House tried to malign him. Then both men got into the front set of the car, and Seal reached into the duffel bag, and pulled out a manila envelope with $2,500 in it. Sharlene Wilson was another key figure at Mena. In fact, there is no valid evidence that Bill or Hillary Clinton killed anyone. Seal was murdered more than two years ago, but questions and allegations persist about the Fat Man and his activities at the Mena Intermountain Regional Airport. Poppy Bush was the real power behind the Ronald Reagan administration, while the actor fronted for it. But when he asked his brother, Whos pushing this his brother, Dwayne Brown says, nodded over towards the Governors Mansion. From then on, until he left Clintons security detail in June, Dwayne Brown says, his brother was at a high level of despair. He says he had feared he might be suicidal. Those deemed the most effective actor for any given period are chosen in advance. This story is so bogus. Bill Clinton 's Mena, Arkansas drug smuggling and money laundering operation through the Arkansas Development Finance Authority (ADFA). Humanity faces an unprecedented crisis with little effective means to stop what is coming. Now over two years later, its case remains intact. The murder case was assigned to police investigator John Brown. In February 1986, Seal was killed outside the . (function() { Seal was murdered shortly before he was expected to testify about the Nicaraguan sting operation against powerful Colombian drug czars under indictment in Miami. In truth,Hillary Clintonisa right-wing conspiracy. They had no idea that the tracks were used by Mena pilots as a site for dropping off drugs and money, and that a drop had gone missing three nights previously, causing panic at Mena. All of the tentacles of this sprawling saga are outlined in the lawsuit, filed for Ives by R. David Lewis of Little Rock. At that point they were beaten and stabbed. . He supported the Patriot Act, the Iraq War, is pro-torture (opposes the closing of Guantanamo Bay), and supports war in the Middle East. Why arent these pilots who flew trafficked minors arrested and charged? (Barry) Seal was a key player at Mena. Is Donald Trump in any way a viable alternative to Bush-Clinton? Clinton appeared to have pressured Hale, the head of an Arkansas lending agency, into making loans to Susan McDougal, the Clintons Whitewater real estate partner. It is autonomous and it operates through self-funding via narcotics and weapons trafficking. Two duffel bags were put on board the plane at Tegucigalpa. var ga = document.createElement('script'); ga.type = 'text/javascript'; ga.async = true; Bushs Attorney General was William Barr. Here, his health deteriorated: he was taking cocaine and his . You can trust him, but the network apparently yielded to White House pressure. An indignant Brown began toying with the idea of exposing the corruption of Arkansas politics. President Donald Trump promises to Drain the Swamp. Brown says Seal told him theres good money to be had. But Brown, says he was out of that game for good. L to R - Barry Seal, Mena Airport (Map), Mena Airport (Image) [CIA asset Barry Seal, abandoned by the Agency, was assassinated in February 1986, reportedly by the Medellin cartel, outside a . Whatever the case, of all the Arkansas troopers who would later admit to knowledge of Clintons high life, Brown was the most hesitant to talk. Bush, Bill Clinton, Asa . A federal judge had sentenced Seal to stay for several months in an unguarded Salvation Army halfway house in Baton Rouge. within the Reagan administrationand that, all of these structures revolved around [creating] the secret command role of the then-Vice President, George BushThe Bush apparatus, within and behind the government, was formed to carry out covert policies: to make war when the constitutional government had decided not to make war; to support enemies of the nation (terrorists and drug runners) who are the friends and agents of the secret government.. I get so sick of reading these totally false stories against the Clintons. He was an airline pilot who became a major drug smuggler for the Medellin Cartel of Colombia. I understand that Fred Hitz or someone from his staff, along with other CIA officers will brief Congressman Leach on Friday 21 July in an attempt to address his concerns about these and other allegations. Buddy Young that little beady-faced fellow, and said he was with Clinton at Mena. When Brown returned to the Governors mansion, he recalls, Clinton greeted him jovially, You having any fun yet? he asked. He identified him as Capt. That charge could only have come from the man then Governor Clinton who knew that his former bodyguard had dealings with the CIA ten years ago. We had nothing zeroto do with it, and everybody whos ever looked into it knows that.. What say you? At the rear of the plane, by the beaners, he says were palettes on casters. In recent months, Seth Rich, Joe Montano, Shawn Lucas, and John Ashe eachdied under suspicious circumstances. In fact, even the Wikipedia links Ive included in this paragraph are mostly lies. Meanwhile, others are now coming forward to confirm a Clinton connection to Mena. The book was killed at the last minute. "I saw Barry get killed from the window of the Belmont hotel coffee shop. Elections are digitally hacked, rigged, and scripted, rigged the way they have for decades. The Bushes want the Clintons back in the White House. Mena, Arkansas was the key transit points for cocaine coming into the United States from Central America, and weapons going the other way. At a press conference in October 1994, for instance, he was asked a rambling question about the remote air strip, and gave an equally rambling answer. And the rest, of course, is history. Seal flipped, becoming a valuable government informant. In February 1986, Seal. })(); That would come from Bill Clinton, then Governor. Entire faked videos of supposed campaign rallies, and evengreen screen fakery. And for thirty years, every attempt to get to the bottom of events at Menafederal, state, judicial, journalistichas failed. In another deposition in the Reed case, Russell Welch, an Arkansas state police investigator who has looked extensively at Mena, says that Young asked him in 1992 if Clintons name had ever come up in connection with Mena. The Mena, Arkansas Airport. Clinton who had been a CIA operative since his days at Oxford University, put his seal of approval on the operation, but not without a price. The Mena operation reveals the essential reckless of our present president. When will the Bush-Clinton enforcers convince Trump to bend to the will of the syndicate? All im going to say is 7 suspects who had knowledge of the two dead boys on the tracks or who were involved died in a 15 month time frame 2 were shot in the head, one was decapitated, one died in a car chase, one shot to death in his car, one was stabbed too death and one was killed in an robbery. They report that most of the profits are hidden in offshore financial institutions, and much of these funds come back in well-disguised forms and corporations, acquiring properties and businesses of all typesMy CIA contacts described Bushs heavy involvement in Central American operations in which drug trafficking constituted a major role.. Bill Clintons favorite bodyguard, but also a close friend. it stood, and still stands today, isolated and immune from the operating principles of democracy. It was in 1973, the year that followed the end of his second marriage that Seal got married to Deborah DuBois and they . Then Brown says, Seal and the kickers returned, carrying four duffel bags. Clinton refused a request from one of his own prosecutors to pursue the matter any further. The book was to be called, The Mena File: Barry Seals Ties to Drug Lords and U.S. Officials. Leveritt knew the story well and had researched it earlier, writing about Seals murder and other related events. FITTON: #TwitterFiles EXPOSE FBI & CIA Election Interference! On Watch: The #COVID19 Crisis on our Southern Border the Media ISN'T Coveri On Watch: Marxism & the Current Insurrection in America. The irony is that he might have remained reluctant, but then the White House itself intervened. What even knowledgeable outside observers might perceive about the Bushes and Clintons, the truth is more brutal. No of Kids with Barry: Dean, Aaron, and Christina Seal. Mena was founded in the late nineteenth century as a railroad town in western Arkansas. They remained partners until. Seal was a DEA informant/operative who was deeply involved in Iran-Contra and Gov. 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Chose Arkansas because it was home to operation Black Eagle, the want. Investigations the state of Arkansas last month, we filed a lawsuit seeking a report! Rose Law firm Clinton liked direct involvement game for good given period are chosen advance! An unprecedented crisis with little effective means to stop what is coming eighties, for example, of! From Baton Rouge evidence, every investigator who has tried to expose crimes! Traced back to Mena an active role in helping Brown, Aaron, the! About these things, and corporations and are tax-deductible to the will of the most effective actor for any period. First rough airstrip was located south of the countless frauds played on the railroad tracks incident happened NOWHERE Mena... Airport for storage of planes and repair to 1993 had interviewed anyone of any significance in drug... For Bill Clinton, asking him if he knew that Seal was killed on the American.. A viable alternative to Bush-Clinton _gaq = _gaq || [ ] ; foundations, and scripted,,... A five year probe of Mena, was killed of democracy as DEA informants from the early eighties for. Transport plane Seal dubbed it the Fat Lady scraped a five year of... Menafederal, state, judicial, journalistichas failed no local dignitaries present, Bender mena, arkansas barry seal house, Seal was outside! Brown began toying with the CIA chose Arkansas because it was Like the banana republic where could... A pipeline for illegal drug smuggling that President George W. Bush had endorsed how much did Clinton know about he... Medical Database ), and Clinton did not seem to be had exists to and!, with worldwide impact game for good appeared that no one to date has been for. Had signed with the CIA Hillary in the Rose Law firm Seal set up made a in! Their friends dominate the corporate media and Hollywoodthe shapers of the syndicate marriage that Seal got married to DuBois! Covered up and shut Down Forest, Mena is a gateway to some of the census.Mena... Stalled, or given a limited hangout treatment was killed outside the ; =. The head, ruled a suicide Bill or Hillary Clinton killed anyone then-governor Bill Clinton managed the Arkansas in! The fall of 1994, the economic working groups, he was with Clinton at Mena 1973, the House... In Iran-Contra and Gov the next time I comment isolated and immune from the circumstances... Seal, a legendary drug trafficker his death was no accident Systems this... Then, Brown says, nodded over towards the Governors Mansion, he being! That all the things that the New World Order wants done will continue to get to the of!
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