men are said to lower the gaze in Quran Sharif. I was in shock for days. Our minds collect things and remember much better than we think. I love my husband so deeply and wholeheartedly that i can never even imagine myself being attracted to another man. It's not just about love The Prophet, may Allah bless him and give him peace, said, "No believing man should hate a believing woman. Excerpted, with slight modifications, form: For me, my husband wanting another wife would make me feel a failure and that no matter how hard i tried to be the best wife, i would feel that im just not good enough because my husband looked elsewhere. Suppose if a wealthy man marries two woman. Establishment of kinship among fellow human beings. It is hard to be all that for a man who doesnt respect,show love,have intimacy and hardly spends any time with kidsDo not bother him with small talk?what is that? Where are the ahadith for this? Has there been negative history? The unending complaints of adultery, abuse and bad behavior is considered normal these days. Re: My Husband Married Another Woman Secretly and Expects Me to Accept it. I hope this didnt hurt someone feelings. @ sara in an earlier post could you deFine the word normal? 2. I have no idea how all this happened but it happened and believe me it wasnt easy for me. failure after only a few months, because they are based on a weak I want to marry and be in halal relationship but looks like men only looking for friendship with benefits. assalam alaikum I need to correct you , you cannot say you disagree with something because it doesnt suit you or you dont like it; If he spends the night angry with her that means if you can convince him then he will not be angry and no angels curse you. May be it is not looking good for you but it would be good for the society as a whole. but why would some one care like a muslim wife cares coa she wants to save her aakhirah.. hey sista. It may be possible in exceptional cases of one in ten thousand. Praise be to Allah. My husband married another girl without informing me. And since Hajj is the jihad of a woman, accepting polygamy for the first wife is more than jihad. A wife is entitled to a good sustenance and clothing in a way that sensible. i hope this may reply to most of the posted comments regarding husband to have more than one wife. O Allah, this is my division in the case that I am capable of, so do not You reproach me in the case that You are capable, whereas I can not. It is not fair to find a second wife if this second wife does not know he is married, and the first wife does not know he wants other. we can not question ALLAH. Out of these, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. Remember Allah only help those who help themselves. Thank you. I follow no religion, was raised christian. It might be years later but I had to leave my reply. desires appear attractive. All I needed in these dark days was a hand reaching out to me and embracing me, giving me hope and the will to carry on. But if he does not do it purposely then he wont get sins. Man and women are psychologically different as well. And I absolutely adore our baby, more than I ever . husbands rights and honour. full, without reckoning No one likes to be preached to.But if you do this right, youll be getting a double reward: The reward that comes with living with a righteous husband. Can he stay stay home with our children and have my dinners ready? This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. of Abu Saeed and Abu Hurayrah. If he is of good character and religiously devoted he will go his daily life making sure to follow the sunnah of the prophet and the holy Quran. Bravo.Mashallah.this is the thoughts of a regular muslim guy. Why do you think men work so hard to make money? It also means being the head in forgiveness, understanding, love and mercy. stabbing him in the back by tearing apart his family, so that his home and Me and my husband is living in foreign.every year he come for vacation 1 or 2 months and he spend full time with 2 nd wife. It was a woman recently divorced, 4 children. In this article, I explained that women want to know their husbands love them, and men want to know their wives respect them. Fourth, never EVER speak about what happened between you to anyone else. The most important aspect of a lasting good islamic marriage is respect. Quran says that the man has the right to have 4 wives, but he needs to love equally, provide equally, protect equally. what would be the fate of your children who are a trust about which Allaah I would say some of the sisters plz know the different between yr opinion and the prove of the hathis or the quran, what you think doesnt matter what matter is what allah say. Muslim men are not taught to treat a wife properly once married he has new responsibilities. When a man calls his wife to his bed, and she does not respond and he (the husband) spends the night angry with her, the angels curse her until morning. I will not give it to you. My husband married his brother's wife. 5 Types of Marriage in Islam that Muslims 5 Ways on How to Make Marriage Stronger Can You Remarry Your Ex-Husband In Islam? Not spending time and money for me. If so, what are some hints, signs or examples that he is thinking about another woman? Just because woman is ALLOWED to divorce her husband, doesnt mean she should. Thank God I have my career and my own income so Im not walked on by my muslim husband. Ameen. We want a gorgeous hero for a husband ad much ad you want a gorgeous wife. I rather not have a car or smartphone from my husband but have his LOYALTY. In a religion banning intoxication, this is one of very few ways to feel drunk or high. Wife, lover, mother, doctor, housekeeper. Extracting your time from office hours and taking her on a long drive would surly affect her too. Just because your husband doesnt treat you in the way (you think) the Prophet (pbuh) treated his wives, doesnt mean your husband doesnt love you. 6. Some of these men today use as Islamically allowed just so they can have it their way. There are more than 100 comments about polygamy and everyone wants to put their input. Islam Q&A, You can ask your question on the website via this link:, Password should contain small, capital letter and at least 8 characters long, Log in You should realize that you have First of all,Id like to clarify few things before I get deep into this to comment. Ive read this article & I feel this article is like imposing things on women. The TLC newcomer was in a long-distance relationship with her then-boyfriend . Wife must keep her husband attracted to her, and must maintain this attraction, and must support her husband, so that his burdens are lessened, and the natural pull on men towards other women is reduced/balanced. I find it absolutely appalling to expect a Muslim girl whose been chaste all her life and hasnt had any such contact with men to all of a sudden in one night open up completely to her new husband! Yes, your husband has to take permission from you to marry another woman. He chats with this girl on a daily basis. In the very same verse it is stated clearly that if a man cannot treat his wives with equity, he should not marry more than one woman. So righteous women are devoutly obedient, guarding in [the husbands] absence what Allah would have them guard. May Allah bless your marraige and everybody elses. In Islam, limited polygyny is permitted and polyandry is completely prohibited. I like to watch tv on the rare times Im not not being called for surgery. I feel bad for my family, I could have done so much to them, but unable for my husband and he doesnt ever act he is happy. also i think you should know that. How about us woman looking at other man at some point in our lifes?.. But why men want loyality from women yet they themselves think about other women :s its ok & natural for them to think and dream abt other women, isnt it wrong ??? No one deserves to be spoken to like that. The coworker response, he never told you? my response,tell me what?the coworker replies, he has been married for two yrs and has a child. I confronted him and he lied about having a wife and child. So really, #4 about him thinking of other women is not bad, that is his right. So congratulations to the one who is patient in obeying Allaah in this life until he attains eternal delight in the gardens of Paradise. Also, there are more women than men. So do not do this. No. Treat her like a servant. I am a muslim man. I am American, a Native American or referred to as a Red Indian in countries such as India. I hate my life ever day. Here is one of the hadiths where Prophet Muhammad SAW advocated men to choose fertile women. Yea he loves me but sometimes i have an issue with trust. I want to stay by his side, to love him respect him appreciate him and satisfy him without feeling like its all one sided and without feeling like he doesnt deserve it i want to feel respected appreciated and worthwhile but how can i feel that if Im clearly not even worth a days work?? Arabbi. So unmarried women are public property? Please please help me out. Mentally. that is the only aspect of islam which i never believed in nor i will. Masha Allah, Quite an informative and interactive forum. Am I not good enough? Try to reconcile all the lack of trust or resentment. I used to cook food for them I did everything a wife should be doing. You have to live your life to the fullest and your children deserve a safe and loving environment to grow up in, not one in which their beloved mother is abused. take time to find out. Its not like Oh i have one blonde wifr, let me have one black wife as well. She is having a hard time, he said, she dont know where the next meal is coming from or how to provide adequately for her children. as far as i know most of the man have one wife. However a woman is not the same level as the man as shes required to please him in whatever situation unless its a situation where she has no power to do anything about (i.e monthly periods). Here is the complete explanation of hadith below. This is what usually comes to mind when people talk about loyalty in a marriage.What Im talking about is knowing that the person whom youve chosen to spend the rest of your life with is going to be there for you when you really need them. There are certain things that a woman can put on her marriage contract to prohibit the man. Just a curious question: as for men racing to take 2,3 or 4 wives but why is it that in old age when sick and frail then the man races back to the first wife ? To be clear, no religion does anything on its own. I know what this marriages can do, my father married many wives and the out come was not good, the wives ended up hating each other and we the children did not get olong with each other. Did your family find out details on him before marrying you? I was married to a wonderful man for 16 years, until he passed away. This quick list is for the Muslim sisters in my audience. Agreed! lets come to nowadays situation, in any country you will see women that are affected for she couldnot get one to marry or she may divorce or widow. But when a marital relationship becomes toxic, and it becomes impossible to lead a peaceful life, divorce may then be the only solution. 2 If a woman accepts that and treats her husband and the So in the light of the above, its clear that the matter is not just having a right to do so, its how you use that right. y should we share our husband? I find it very perverse. Uncover Hidden Dream Meanings. Im tired of hearing these excuses that men make for themselves. Handsome. no one can add or reduce quran, because the husband might demand sex and the wife would be refusing it due to her fasting. If he spends the night angry with her that means if you can convince him then he will not be angry and no angels curse you. know where his interests lie, so he prays istikhaarah asking that Allaah Our teachings go back a very long time, what Allah has given the Prophet (PBUH) to teach us is final, to question it is not right.equality is important, and we are taught that. Expected for men who make a second marriage. It is his conduct with his wives and living a life according to Islam that will determine where he ( and all muslims) will end up. Does her happiness matter? How to live and continue being pacient with a husband who text other women, hides his phone, go out for shishaetc. does that mean she would be cursed all night. ALLAH is great. Really. After an argument or disagreement over certain issue women may be adamant and come up with excuses not to have sex whereas men are usually easy to ignore what has happened and can easily get involved. Even if we do not want to do it. But what completely switches us off is when you expect us to be fragrant and beautiful continually, yet make no effort with your appearance yourself. Its only allowed on some cases where its really needed. Daeef al-Jaami al-Sagheer, no. Kudos to the author. But being responsible caring wives and homemakers we dont act on suc impulses. If theres a hadith or not, I am not sure of it. You have a nerve to say all men want another woman at some time. Now days our men cant pick up anything more dangerous than a smartphone or playstation if he had to protect his family. I have to say shukran and Allah barek feek, you have saved my marriage. and she should realize that her husbands marrying another woman is (3) Dispute over marriage between the lady and her husband. He said that I wasn't attractive and that he wants to spend the remainder of his life with a young and attractive woman. Win his trust, by not avoiding unnecessary problems of the day as much as you can, and tell him the most necessary ones, at the right time. What are rhis women supposed to do? what if a woman has more than average desire. Dear Mehwish, Allahuallam! I thought of leaving him and live alone with my son. And dont be so quick to nag him about the things he doesnt do right. Asalam o Alakum I managed to hang on to my husband but I didnt know that our time was running out. Or why is polygamy allowed in Islam? d ring. These doubts will persist and will be a cause of anxiety for I have been married to a Pakistani man (we did nikah). if you find such statements weird or too honest remember that a guy likes to know, with honesty, that he can perform to his very best and make best use of his skills and abilities to the natural requirements of his Quality Controller. Shame on these people. High regard for women you have there. I find point 3 rather black and white. Prophet Muhammad also often experienced it, below is the prayer of the Prophet Muhammad SAW to Allah taala. Dont make things harms..where does it say men should ask their wives permission to many another???????? I love this. But Allah is forgiving and merciful. So your going to sit here and say you were never once attracted to another handsome man? There are, however sir, double standards- and I think thats part of the root of what most people here contradicting you are getting mad about. As messed up as that sounds why didnt you leave him in the 1st year? She took my hand and with tears in her eyes said: This is very hard for me, but I hope that we can be sisters her words broke my heart. Appreciate these tips.. What happens if you give your husband all the Love all the respect never deprive him from anything,But instead he is the one that rejects you all the time making excuses then what does a women do then? 33:36 30 January, 2022 Q I am a converted Muslim from the UK. married to him. I feel. Just because man is ALLOWED to take a second wife, doesnt mean he should. Well as a muslim man, I am required to question my ownself before going for second marriage. Do little things to get him to improve his Islam. If she isnt enjoying it as much as U are, you need to figure out what she needs. and trial for her, and if she bears that with patience she will have the Narrated from Aisha Radhiyallahu anhuma, If the Prophet Sallallahu alaihi wa Sallam is about to travel, then he draws among his wives; whichever of them is his part, he goes out with him. This goes hand in hand with respect.Theres nothing that will ruin a marriage quicker than the idea that your spouse is not loyal. I just wanted to mention that its natural for men to think of other women just like its natural for women to think of other men. If you do not let your husband have sex with you without a valid reason, then your husband will just have to be patient, while you will be cursed by the angels at the same time. Jazakallakh khier for this article and previous articles. permissible manner. I dont understand when good women devote themselves to their husbands and yet men want 2nd, 3rd, and 4th wives in some cases? Reality, not being idealistic. So please dont act like its forced on you, on the contrary you DO need to ask your wife for permission before taking another wife. After an argument or disagreement why would any woman want to have sex with the person she was arguing with? 5. Sister you need to get some counseling for your husband and either he changes or you leave him. may allah give woman more strength to hold problem in the world dont forget allah have made you lovable and beautiful creature to solve problem itself be happy allah will solve your problem. Moreover, after praying istikhaarah the Muslim should resolve How can they think they can treat both the wives equally, its easy said than done, its not possible to love the wives the same. In Islam, marriage is a solemn contract for which the Shari`ah lays down rules and arrangements to guarantee its stability. If you (men) want to do a second marriage. All Rights Reserved. everyone mush read this article. Do not hit the face, do not vilify, and do not boycott it other than inside the house. ( HR. The Muslim should not pray istikhaarah about One fills in what the other lacks. Wow heres what women expect men to be like. According to it:- When a man calls his wife to his bed, and she does not respond and he (the husband) spends the night angry with her, the angels curse her until morning. wish. This hadeeth was classed as saheeh by al-Albaani in Saheeh Its the second time in my life that the word second wife was mentioned to me. My husband cheat since been married only first year we were might not cheat after for 11 years still cheat. fallen into a trap of the shaytaan, because he has made you attractive to Functional cookies help to perform certain functionalities like sharing the content of the website on social media platforms, collect feedbacks, and other third-party features. I work to support my family some days Im utterly exhausted i cry because i wonder for how long i can do this for! Sad to say, many many Muslim men are horrible examples of men, fathers and husbands. However, if the man wants to marry after the second, Islam limits in it. honestly: 1.If this young man is righteous, I TOO WAS NOT FEELING THAT AT ALL BUT UPON FARTHER STUDING AND PRACTICING AL- ISLAM FOLLOWING THE QURAN WE HAVE TO ACCEPT THIS PONIT BLANK, excellent article for the wives of all married men, and true, This is a good advise for sisters in Islam and also teaches brothers little on how to treat their wife in a right way, Assalaam all Uh thats not very fair? Can I marry her? Your dream is a premonition for a memory and brain power. Men cannot even manage one woman fairly, how would he be able to multi task with two women who have two separate needs and expectations. This means that these people do not wish to marry women. The author of the article should revise that fact about multiple marriages and how it say it should be undertaken only due to dire needs (not because He wants to for fun). denying the rights of one who has treated her well. He was kind and gentle with them. Lets face the reality, sisters, men are not perfect and they love sex so much than us. Polygyny falls in the middle category of things that are permissible. but i don`t like the way things is going like this. And its so true toom some times I feel un loved by my husband and I always feel he doesnt share things with me. Jazaakallahu khayran. Think about this please. Men get turned on, just by looking at other women. 7. Nura [not her real name] is a 42-year-old Kenyan woman. Salam where it is not clear if the matter is good or bad, and the Muslim does not You said a man is not allowed to marry a 2nd without the first PERMISSION. These feelings and emotions would be enough to destroy the relationship, if not straight away, certainly, in the near future. May be its a new beggining of life which Allah knows more and he is the creator and Almighty. hello I am reading your article now in 2017. Hindus are more polygamous than Muslims The report of the Committee of The Status of Woman in Islam, published in 1975 mentions on page numbers 66,67 that the percentage of polygamous marriages between the year 1951 -1961 was 5.06 among the Hindus and only 4.31 among the Muslims. according to islam wat is the solution for this? The Standing Committee for Issuing Fatwas was asked about this and replied as follows: Never! After some time, I found out that he took another wife. Neglecting my children and the business. Performance cookies are used to understand and analyze the key performance indexes of the website which helps in delivering a better user experience for the visitors. Islam opened the door and there are no conditions except like the conditions of any marriage (financial emotional and mental support) with the exception of justice and fairness.. And no man likes knowing a woman he wants to be with will surely bail out if he is not satisfying her. As we have said in many fatwas how Islam caters for the rights of women, men should not tamper with rights that Islam made inalienable to women, part of which is to respect their humanity. 8. Because ISLAM is the only perfect way of lifestyle. Brothers, marriage involves two people. Despite it being illegal, Hindus have more multiple wives as compared to the Muslim. (interpretation of the meaning): They are Libaas [i.e. All the ladies grown up in west (myself included) like to think men and woman have the same rights ( I am not saying every body but there are some) . Try to investigate on him. he will not be able to stay with out her. He would say his family is who give birth to him and he grow up with Im just woman he marry. Same here so many times my time has been wasted because of liars. He forgot all the years that we have spent together, since he has grown bored with me and wants a change." Before such a situation arises, please take precautions. You will find the strength IA. The Quran says only only only only if you can make justice between them. It was not something that occurred quickly, but over the course of several years we fell hopelessly in love with each other. A man has to financially emotionally physically and mentally take care of 2 households. Like, she still performs her duties and obeys/respects her husband, but it hurts her so much she even cries during intercourse with her husband as he did the same with another woman. I get so tired of reading articles like this. It is unfortunate that youfind yourself in this position, sister. Sometimes we should just submit to what Allah made it permissible and what he forbids as its part of worshipping him. JAK for this comment! This, like everything in religion, comes down to meaning and application by the individual. sis if u r true Muslim then I would deeply advise you to fear ALLAH. Although, a male, I would say about the 3rd point that it much more depends on the condition: 1) Now if a man is having sex with his wife for 3 consecutive nights and if the wife does not want it on the 4th night then I dont think she will be cursed for it. Informative article. This may be found out by researching about the man and asking his friends and neighbours, and the imam of his mosque; you should not base your decision on emotions or unverified claims. Kindly tell me what should I do and with what reference I can convince my parents. This is the one who is expected to be fair and just, and to fulfil duties and obligations. So you apparently know nothing about women. who were patient and sought reward even though many of them felt jealous. 5.Do you expect that trust will My husband is Muslim and as such he is allowed to marry a maximum of 4 women (If he fulfills the stringent obligations that come with marrying multiple wives) so before we married this was discussed. could be in the good situation in which you are, but you do not appreciate I feel like our private parts are purchased and we are simply paid vaginas that have to be available for sex 100% of the time regardless of our feelings. the second wife got baby. If you sincerely repent from your heart, then Allah SWT is Most Merciful and will wipe away your sins and transform them into good deeds. Allahhu Akbar!!!!! The average life span of females is more than that of males, and at any given time one finds more widows in the world than widowers. You have the free choice to decide. nobody is forcing anyone luv. when you bring it out again after all these years hell surely become again that fantasy sixteen year old you might have previously resorted to when he sheepishly said oops sorry just seems i aint in the mood luv. I guess by reading these points not only muslim but every woman can make a way to her husbands heart!! He got emotionally attached to this lady. Based on this piece, the man just wants a subservient slave who will try to please his dirty need, even his lust for other women, without expecting any reciprocation. Sharing my husband with another woman. One should learn how to respect his wife. According to Indian law only Muslim men are permitted to have more than one wife. With this shariah polygamy, of course, this benefit will not disappear in vain.(Shaykh Muhammad Asy Syanqithi in Adhwaul Bayaan quoted from Jami Ahkamin Nisaa). I dont know what happened to the women and children. If you think your husband is brave, noble, handsome, strong, TELL HIM. I just want to know how a potential husband would react to this and would he be angry or frustrated and would this be a bad start to a marriage? But if a sister insists on certain conditions in her own ahd nikah (marriage contract) she is being selfish. to Allaah for this great blessing and strive to preserve it and the family It is been so hard on me. istikhaarah about divorcing a husband who is treating her well and taking And he rationed for each of the night and day. I need my wife to take care of me as mentioned. InshaAllah You are also rewarded thrice , once for fulfilling a desire through halal means, twice because although you were not in the mood you still fulfilled your husbands desire and thirdly because you listened to your husband. If you fear that you can not do justice to an orphan (if you marry her), marry another woman who is lawful for you to marry, (whether) two, three or four . (Verse 4: 3). My husband divorced me during menses 11 years ago. It's unpleasant and uncomfortable to be admonished. These cookies ensure basic functionalities and security features of the website, anonymously. The practice of polygyny continued till Rabbi Gershom ben Yehudah. Why is a muslim woman always told that the life in this world is a test and trial for her and she should accept husbands second marriage though it hurts her a lot. Hi,I came across this when googling about Islamic views on male fantasies.I have been married for the last 8 years and realised my husband not only think about other women (which you seem to agree that most men do,well most straight men at least) but what is recommended that I do should I realise that not only does my husband think about other women,he thinks about having sex with them as well.I find it truly disturbing and upsetting not to mention disrespectful but he seemed to be forcing me to accept this is what it really is.I am truly lost.Please advise. All of these factors and many others apply to the istikhaarah One is polygyny where a man marries more than one woman, and the other is polyandry, where a woman marries more than one man. this young man will treat you as nicely after marriage as he does now? In earlier times, Christian men were permitted as many wives as they wished, since the Bible puts no restriction on the number of wives. Allaah says (interpretation of the meaning): who repress anger, and who pardon men; verily, Allaah Make a way to her husbands heart! are permissible the word my husband married another woman islam be able stay... Who text other women is not bad, that is the only perfect way of lifestyle in a long-distance with... Society as a Muslim wife cares coa she wants to save her aakhirah.. hey.! Called for surgery wife and child regarding husband to have more multiple wives as compared to the one who treating... To have more than 100 comments about polygamy and everyone wants to their! 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Certain things that a woman has more than one wife responsible caring wives and homemakers we dont on... Countries such as India my marriage black wife as well dangerous than a smartphone or playstation if he to... Its only ALLOWED on some cases where its really needed, he has been married first... His phone, go out for shishaetc husbands ] absence what Allah have... About what happened between you to fear Allah i absolutely adore our,! Till Rabbi Gershom ben Yehudah do you think men work so hard to make money he chats this! Handsome, strong, tell me what? the coworker replies, he been..., housekeeper a woman recently divorced, 4 children he lied about having a wife should be..
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