Aeterni Patris (Of the Eternal Father) by Leo XIII. 26. And as he also used this philosophic method in the refutation of error, he won this title to distinction for himself: that, single-handed, he victoriously combated the errors of former times, and supplied invincible arms to put those to rout which might in after-times spring up. This document is often considered to be a milestone, especially in the influence it was to exercise over theological reflection in the decades which followed. 9. 13. Its purpose was the revival of Scholastic philosophy, according to the mind of St. Thomas Aquinas. (17) Again, it shows God to excel in the height of all perfections, especially in infinite wisdom before which nothing lies hidden, and in absolute justice which no depraved affection could possibly shake; and that God, therefore, is not only true but truth itself, which can neither deceive nor be deceived. He studied piano fir, Cali, the third-largest city in Colombia, located at the southwestern end of the Cauca Valley. 3. Includes the Catholic Encyclopedia, Church Fathers, Summa, Bible and more all for only $19.99. 6. Beginning with a consideration of the Church's concern for teaching true philosophy because of its relation to theology, the pope declares that many modern evils stem from false philosophy. AETERNI PATRIS ENCYCLICAL OF POPE LEO XIII ON THE RESTORATION OF CHRISTIAN PHILOSOPHY To the Patriarchs, Primates, Archbishops, and Bishops of the Catholic World in Grace and Communion with the Apostolic See. Updates? related portals: Catholic Church Encyclicals. He published many volumes, involving great labor, which were wonderfully adapted to explain the divine writings and illustrate the sacred dogmas; which, though, as they now stand, not altogether free from error, contain nevertheless a wealth of knowledge tending to the growth and advance of natural truths. It is known that nearly all the founders and lawgivers of the religious orders commanded their members to study and religiously adhere to the teachings of St. Thomas, fearful least any of them should swerve even in the slightest degree from the footsteps of so great a man. Let carefully selected teachers endeavor to implant the doctrine of Thomas Aquinas in the minds of students, and set forth clearly his solidity and excellence over others. When philosophy stood stainless in honor and wise in judgment, then, as facts and constant experience showed, the liberal arts flourished as never before or since; but, neglected and almost blotted out, they lay prone, since philosophy began to lean to error and join hands with folly. 31. In particular, scholastic philosophy does not oppose the advance and development of natural science. On the contrary, philosophy is in accord with the conclusions of modern physics. But the advantage to be derived from such a school of philosophy is not to be confined within these limits. But the chief and special glory of Thomas, one which he has shared with none of the Catholic Doctors, is that the Fathers of Trent made it part of the order of conclave to lay upon the altar, together with sacred Scripture and the decrees of the supreme Pontiffs, the Summa of Thomas Aquinas, whence to seek counsel, reason, and inspiration. The wisdom of St. Thomas, We say; for if anything is taken up with too great subtlety by the Scholastic doctors, or too carelessly stated-if there be anything that ill agrees with the discoveries of a later age, or, in a word, improbable in whatever way-it does not enter Our mind to propose that for imitation to Our age. The vessel is en route to the port of Kaohsiung, Taiwan, sailing at a speed of 20.0 knots and expected to arrive there on Jan 14, 09:00.. g. f. ritzel, "Some Historical Background of the Encyclical Aeterni Patris," Nuntius Aulae 38 (1956) 135155. 30. . Foremost 20th-century Andalusian composer; b. Cdiz, Nov. 23, 1876; d. Alta Gracia (Crdoba province), Argentina, Nov. 14, 1946. Philosophy and revelation represent two realms of knowledge. Faith frees and saves reason from error, and endows it with manifold knowledge. Revelation serves as a lamp for the philosophers path toward truth. For surely that is a worthy and most useful exercise of reason when men give their minds to disproving those things which are repugnant to faith and proving the things which conform to faith. In paragraph 13, Pope Leo XIII continues his list of those who have advanced the Christian intellectual tradition. What kind of ship is this? The Accademia has done much to help on the movement thus inaugurated, and a Collegium of Dominican Fathers have ever since been working at the new (Leonine) edition of St. Thomas. But, lest the false for the true or the corrupt for the pure be drunk in, be ye watchful that the doctrine of Thomas be drawn from his own fountains, or at least from those rivulets which, derived from the very fount, have thus far flowed, according to the established agreement of learned men, pure and clear; be careful to guard the minds of youth from those which are said to flow thence, but in reality are gathered from strange and unwholesome streams. Tertullian, Apologet., 46 (PL 1, 573). "(30) He himself, indeed, with marvellous versatility treated of many things of the greatest utility for preparing a history of philosophy, for the exercise of the dialectic art, and for showing the agreement between reason and faith. ), One Hundred Years of Thomism: Aeterni Patris and Afterwards, A Symposium (Houston 1981). Defensively it protects the revealed truth from distortion; offensively it weakens arguments contrary to revealed truth. (29) But who knows not the disputations of Clement of Alexandria, which the same Jerome thus honorably commemorates: "What is there in them that is not learned, and what that is not of the very heart of philosophy? Thomas also distinguished, as is fitting, faith from reason, without infringing upon the legitimate rights of either of them and instead strengthening each through the aid of the other. Its solid foundations having been thus laid, a perpetual and varied service is further required of philosophy, in order that sacred theology may receive and assume the nature, form, and genius of a true science. But in the case of such doctrines as the human intelligence may perceive, it is equally just that philosophy should make use of its own method, principles, and arguments-not, indeed, in such fashion as to seem rashly to withdraw from the divine authority. The encyclical goes on in paragraph 27 to urge the teaching of scholastic philosophy and theology, especially to the young seminarians who are the growing hope of the Church. Scholastic thought is likened to a strong weapon with which one may best defend the Catholic faith against the assault waged against her by the machinations and craft of a certain false wisdom. Scholastic philosophy is presented as second only to the supernatural help of God, in its ability to defend the faith. This high regard was most especially evident during the Council of Trent, in which his Summa was laid upon the altar, together with sacred Scripture and the decrees of the supreme Pontiffs., 23. 24. It also insists that St. Thomas constantly founded his reasons and arguments on experiments; in the course of the centuries which have passed since his time, experiments have, of course, been disclosing facts and secrets of nature; nevertheless the writings of St. Thomas bear witness that the experimental spirit was as strong in him as it is in us. Pope Leo fears that many philosophers were forsaking the solid philosophical foundation of antiquity and turning toward a foundation open to change. And another danger: while Leo affirms the important work of scholarship, he cautions that philosophical pursuits should not be characterized by mere erudition; what is required, rather, is an authentic development of learning. The human mind is limited and needs the truth of revelation to avoid error. (37) A vain hope, indeed, but no vain testimony. But the learned men whom We call apologists speedily encountered these teachers of foolish doctrine and, under the guidance of faith, found arguments in human wisdom also to prove that one God, who stands pre-eminent in every kind of perfection, is to be worshiped; that all things were created from nothing by His omnipotent power; that by His wisdom they flourish and serve each their own special purposes. "And, indeed, the knowledge and use of so salutary a science, which flows from the fertilizing founts of the sacred writings, the sovereign Pontiffs, the holy Fathers and the councils, must always be of the greatest assistance to the Church, whether with the view of really and soundly understanding and interpreting the Scriptures, or more safely and to better purpose reading and explaining the Fathers, or for exposing and refuting the various errors and heresies; and in these late days, when those dangerous times described by the Apostle are already upon us, when the blasphemers, the proud, and the seducers go from bad to worse, erring themselves and causing others to err, there is surely a very great need of confirming the dogmas of Catholic faith and confuting heresies.". And if, perchance, it sometimes finds itself scarcely equal to sustain the shock of its foes, it should recognize that the cause and the blame lie in itself. To the Patriarchs, Primates, Archbishops, and Bishops of the Catholic World in Grace and Communion With the Apostolic See. 17 Jan. 2023 . 2. Whereas, on the other hand, if men be of sound mind and take their stand on true and solid principles, there will result a vast amount of benefits for the public and private good. To the Patriarchs, Primates, Archbishops, and Bishops of the Catholic World in Grace and Communion With the Apostolic See. This species of religious strife St. Jerome, writing to Magnus, notices as having been adopted by the Apostle of the Gentiles himself; Paul, the leader of the Christian army and the invincible orator, battling for the cause of Christ, skillfully turns even a chance inscription into an argument for the faith; for he had learned from the true David to wrest the sword from the hands of the enemy and to cut off the head of the boastful Goliath with his own weapon. Therefore, be sure to refer to those guidelines when editing your bibliography or works cited list. terni Patris. Although these words seem to bear reference solely to Scholastic theology, nevertheless they may plainly be accepted as equally true of philosophy and its praises. The chief aim of Aeterni Patris was the reintroduction of Thomism into Catholic educational centers for the purpose of bringing faith and reason back into a fruitful dialectic. "(34) The doctrines of those illustrious men, like the scattered members of a body, Thomas collected together and cemented, distributed in wonderful order, and so increased with important additions that he is rightly and deservedly esteemed the special bulwark and glory of the Catholic faith. It was subtitled 'On the Restoration of Christian Philosophy in Catholic Schools in the Spirit (ad mentem) of the Angelic Doctor, St. Thomas Aquinas'. Reason is characterized as a steppingstone to Christian faith, in that philosophy, when used rightly, fortifies the road to faith and prepares the soul for fit reception of revelation. Gilson founded the Pontifical Institute of Mediaeval Studies in Toronto, Ontario. 19. A comparison is drawn between the way in which the Hebrews took with them Egyptian treasures to offer to the service of God, and the way in which truths discovered by the philosophy of the pagans are to be turned to the use and purposes of revealed doctrine. "Aeterni Patris 3. ", Pereira, Jose last Updated: 2021-02-11 02:00:18 and needs the of. The examples of the Apostle Pauls use of Greek philosophy in Athens (17:1634[permanent dead link]) and Davids use of Goliaths sword (Samuel 17:5054[permanent dead link]) are given as literal and metaphorical examples of using philosophy in a defensive and offensive manner. Refer to each styles convention regarding the best way to format page numbers and retrieval dates. Therefore, Divine Providence itself requires that, in calling back the people to the paths of faith and salvation, advantage should be taken of human science also-an approved and wise practice which history testifies was observed by the most illustrious Fathers of the Church. IntroductionGod, philosophy, UniversitiesChapter 1 GodChapter 2 PhilosophyChapter 3 God and philosophyChapter 4 God, philosophy, universitiesPrologues to the Catholic philosophical traditionChapter 5 AugustineChapter 6 Boethius, PseudoDionysius, AnselmChapter 7 The Islamic and Jewish prologue to Catholic philosophyChapter 8 The genesis of the . Philosophy represents the profane realm of natural truth whereas revelation represents the divine realm of supernatural truth. And with regard, venerable brethren, to the origin, drift, and excellence of this scholastic learning, it may be well here to speak more fully in the words of one of the wisest of Our predecessors, Sixtus V: "By the divine favor of Him who alone gives the spirit of science wisdom, and understanding, and who thou ages, as there may be need, enriches His Church with new blessings and strengthens it with safeguards, there was founded by Our fathers, men of eminent wisdom, the scholastic theology, which two glorious doctors in particular angelic St. Thomas and the seraphic St. Bonaventure, illustrious teachers of this faculty, . Wisd. 5. Zigliara, a member of seven Roman congregations including the Congregation for Studies, was a co-founder of the Academia Romano di San Tommaso in 1870. Whence it clearly follows that human reason finds the fullest faith and authority united in the word of God. 25. Zigliara's fame as a scholar at the forefront of the Thomist revival at the time of his rectorship of the College of St. Thomas after 1873 was widespread in Rome and elsewhere. While, therefore, We hold that every word of wisdom, every useful thing by whomsoever discovered or planned, ought to be received with a willing and grateful mind, We exhort you, venerable brethren, in all earnestness to restore the golden wisdom of St. Thomas, and to spread it far and wide for the defense and beauty of the Catholic faith, for the good of society, and for the advantage of all the sciences. You know how often among some truths they taught false and incongruous things; what vague and doubtful opinions they held concerning the nature of the Divinity, the first origin of things, the government of the world, the divine knowledge of the future, the cause and principle of evil, the ultimate end of man, the eternal beatitude, concerning virtue and vice, and other matters, a true and certain knowledge of which is most necessary to the human race; while, on the other hand, the early Fathers and Doctors of the Church, who well understood that, according to the divine plan, the restorer of human science is Christ, who is the power and the wisdom of God,(27) and in whom are hid all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge,(28) took up and investigated the books of the ancient philosophers, and compared their teachings with the doctrines of revelation, and, carefully sifting them, they cherished what was true and wise in them and amended or rejected all else. 4. Nor did Irenaeus, the invincible martyr and Bishop of Lyons, win less glory in the same cause when, forcibly refuting the perverse opinions of the Orientals, the work of the Gnostics, scattered broadcast over the territories of the Roman Empire, he explained (according to Jerome) the origin of each heresy and in what philosophic source it took its rise. Clement of Alexandria, Stromata, 1, 16 (PG 8, 795); 7, 3 (PG 9, 426). Although philosophy can and has deceived men about important matters, it is also capable of illuminating the other sciences. And, not to speak of the living, how many Greeks have done likewise? What topic of philosophy did he not investigate? is nourished, defended, and made strong."(5). Whither the Neo-Thomist Revival?, Pereira, Jose. It opens with the consideration that the Church, although . The only-begotten Son of the Eternal Father, who came on earth to bring salvation and the light of divine wisdom to men, conferred a great and wonderful blessing on the world when, about to ascend again into heaven, He commanded the Apostles to go and teach all nations,(1) and left the Church which He had founded to be the common and supreme teacher of the peoples. The foolishness of those men who "by these good things that are seen could not understand Him, that is, neither by attending to the works could have acknowledged who was the workman,"(16) is gravely reproved in the words of Divine Wisdom. The document ends with an invocation of Gods grace and the blessing of the saints, for the important work that is recommended in the encyclical. That accounts for the unrelenting war which has been made against Scholastic philosophy since the Reformation arose. For the human mind, being confined within certain limits, and those narrow enough, is exposed to many errors and is ignorant of many things; whereas the Christian faith, reposing on the authority of God, is the unfailing mistress of truth, whom whoso followeth he will be neither enmeshed in the snares of error nor tossed hither and thither on the waves of fluctuating opinion. And the Church built upon the promises of its own divine Author, whose charity it imitated, so faithfully followed out His commands that its constant aim and chief wish was this: to teach religion and contend forever against errors. The opening paragraph begins with a reference to Christs command to His Apostles to set all men free by teaching the truth of the faith to all nations (Matthew 28:19). 17. [1] It was subtitled "On the Restoration of Christian Philosophy in Catholic Schools in the Spirit (ad mentem) of the Angelic Doctor, St. Thomas Aquinas". De doctrina christiana, l, 2, 40 (PL 34, 63). The Church's recognition of how theology and philosophy relate can be found in Pope Leo XIII, Learn how and when to remove this template message. 5. Among these St. Justin Martyr claims the chief place. 14. Aeterni Patris. Then, copy and paste the text into your bibliography or works cited list. The Encyclical points out how some have turned away from it, but passes on to show how it can help in the pursuit of metaphysical and social science. 12. In paragraph 16, the praise of scholastic theology is extended to the philosophy upon which it is based. The purpose of Leo XIII was the revival of St. Thomas's philosophy and the continuing of his spirit of investigation, but not necessarily the adoption of every argument and opinion to be found in the works of the scholastics. 8. a. alexander, "Thomas Aquinas and the Encyclical Letter," Princeton Review N. S. 5 (Jan. 1880) 245326. 18. Let the universities already founded or to be founded by you illustrate and defend this doctrine, and use it for the refutation of prevailing errors. It is dated Rome, 29 June, 1868. This paragraph emphasizes that the revival of scholasticism and, in particular, Thomism for which the encyclical calls is not a recommendation to practice a slavish adherence to outdated doctrines and ideas: if there is anything that ill agrees with the discoveries of a later age it does not enter Our mind to propose that for imitation in Our age. It is crucial, as well, that Aquinass own writings be read and studied, rather than derivative works that may already be affected by errors.
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