After death, his story was famous, and a lot of people were talking . Barry was one of three brothers, including Benjy and Wendell. According to the indictment, Seal had made unlawful transfers in>the amount of $51,006.64 by purchasing a cashier's check in that amount with>$8,656.64 in cash and five cashier's checks in amounts of less than $10,000>each.[11]. Just send an email to, LouisianaVoice does not accept advertising because we insist on an independent voice. >Two days earlier, a Colombian national named Bernardo Antonio Vasquez had>rented a room at a motel near the halfway house. Seal flipped, becoming a valuable government informant. 84-77-B, U.S. District>Court, Middle District of Louisiana, filed 21 January 1986. . Thank you. Seal, who began flying at age of 15, flew weapons to Fidel Castro in 1958 when Castro was fighting to overthrow Fulgencio Batista. [5], >On the flight home from Honduras, Seal met Carlos Bustamonte, a Miami car>dealer. Reeves, Ochoas New Orleans business manager, brought Seal into what in 1982 officially became the Medellin Cartel after Jorge Ochoa and Pablo Escobar joined forces to form a 2,000-man army to destroy M-19, the Marxist revolutionary group that was causing problems for the Colombian drug barons. >But, in February 1984, Seal was convicted in federal court in south Florida>for possession with intent to distribute Quaaludes. During his initial>conversation with Jura and Jacobson, and to insure against being double->crossed, Seal reiterated what he told White and Kennedy during the meeting in>Washington: he would be "willing to cooperate" with the DEA in exchange "for>their assistance in helping [him] out with [his] sentences in south Florida.>"[15] After being reassured by the two special agents, Seal went forward with>his plans to make the trip to Medellin. The narcotics runner, Barry Seal, allegedly . WEINER Yes. On March 3, 1986, only two weeks after Seal was murdered, Louisiana Attorney General William Guste hand-delivered a five-page letter to U.S. Attorney General Edwin Meese. Spoiler alert: It's 9:30 p.m. Friday and I just returned from watching American Made, the Tom Cruise movie about Baton Rouge drug smuggler Barry Seal.. [12] He first admitted this under oath before the President's>Commission on Organized Crime. Welch was an investigator for the Arkansas State>Police Criminal Investigations Division, taking part in Seal's prosecution in>federal court in Baton Rouge on drug-trafficking and money-laundering charges.>He attended one of Seal's depositions on 27 December 1985, and heard Seal make>these admissions.[9]. See, transcript of>Seal's cross-examination, pp. >41. >The Government and defense further agree that the defendant will receive a>concurrent sentence as to Count 1 not to exceed the ultimate sentence he>receives in a pending proceeding in the Southern District of Florida. >Gun smuggling, especially the brand the CIA and Seal were engaged in in>Arkansas and elsewhere in the 1980s, was risky business. The Real Story Behind 'American Made' Is Much Darker Than the Movie. And his participation in Operation 40, the CIA's assassination squad, the blackest of black ops, as attested by the photo taken in Mexico . The Boland Amendment was one of those federal laws the>CIA held in particular disdain. Barry Seal. Suzanne Coleman - Reportedly had an affair with Clinton when he was Arkansas Attorney General. [10] Jorge Ochoa would>soon discover that Barry Seal, whom the cartel had long trusted, was playing a>significant role in the cartel's looming problems. Despite the fact that the parts of the Reed and Cummings book,>Compromised, which are obviously written by Reed, contain mostly flattering>autobiographical hyperbole, often about his exploits in Southeast Asia during>the Vietnam conflict (he carefully avoids references to Vietnam itself, never>having set foot on Vietnamese soil), a few of Reed's statements about Seal and>the CIA seem fairly accurate, if for no other reason than having been>confirmed by other, more reliable sources. At any rate, by 1986, Barry Seal found himself wearing three very>uncomfortable hats; those of key man, straw man, and scapegoat. >Soon, IRS CID Special Agent William Duncan was asking questions; and Barry>Seal was perhaps the one man on earth who could answer those questions. Evidence emerged suggesting that the CIA was operating in the area in the early 1980s; that a major cocaine and gun smuggler was based at the airfield; and that the U.S. military was somehow involved. >For his part, Seal may not have known that a number of weapons-manufacturing>and sales firms were operating in Arkansas in the 1980s. >By 1984, Barry Seal found himself in a "catch-22." Lewis McWillie: In a sort of way I would think so, yes.Lewis McWillie ran the Tropicana Casino in Havana.McWillie traveled by car from Miami to Lake Tahoe,Cal-Neva Lodge in Lake Tahoe owners Sam Giancana ,Paul D Amato , Frank Sinatra and Marilyn Monroe forever tenants at the Cal Neva Lodge at Lake Tahoe in cabin ? According to Ambrose Evans-Pritchard, an investigative>reporter for a London newspaper, one interest-bearing account opened by Seal>at the Fuji Bank in the Caymans had a balance of $1.645 billion at the time>one of his articles was written in 1994. He normally received a commission for his work.>It wasn't unusual for him to transport up to $20 million in cash in exchange>for a commission of 5 percent of that amount.[7]. >Seal testified in the Saunders trial that "Uncle Sam Wants You" was produced>to publicize his covert activities because he was afraid that if he continued>to work in the obscurity of the drug-trafficking trade, he might be killed by>the CIA or DEA, and those investigating his death might try to create the>illusion that thugs hired by some Medellin drug lord had assassinated him. no. The problem, for Seal anyway, was that,>during this entire period, government agents at various levels were working>independently of each other to hit the same target. Terry Reed said while was Little Rock social circles. ", >Seal and his copilot, Emile Camp, who had also become a DEA informant in 1984>to avoid prosecution, flew to Grand Turk Island on 2 January 1985, in part to>arrange the sale of a Beechcraft 18 airplane to Leocadida Moreno. In fact, there was a made-for-cable movie, Double Crossed, that starred Dennis Hopper as Seal. As long as the Agency got any monies it was>entided to, some CIA agents involved in Centaur Rose were apparently not>concerned about the other things Seal transported from Latin America,>including cocaine, marijuana, and heroin. The FBI and IRS were pulling up the rear, and at least one>special agent with the Arkansas State Police CID was scratching around for>information. But, Barry's first love was>flying. no. During his teens, Barry would bicycle to Ryan's Field to watch airplanes in action. For one thing, Seal (portrayed by Tom Cruise) did not meet Colombian druglords Jorge Ochoa and Pablo Escobar, whose psychopathic hijinks provide much . >Seal and Ochoa had been doing business for years. >The reason the scheme was so complicated, according to Reed and Cummings, is>that the federal government couldn't legally fund the Contras without>congressional approval, as such actions were prohibited by the Boland>Amendment. At Arkansas, he ran sales and operations of fleets . In March 1984,>frustrated by numerous vain attempts to talk personally with U.S. Attorney>Stanford Bardwell, who was prosecuting the case in Baton Rouge, the>nowdesperate Seal contacted the Vice-Presidential Task Force in Washington,>D.C., and made arrangements to meet with them a day or two later. At times, some of the big-ticket items obtained through the>insurance loss claim scam were also transported in The Fat Lady. However, as fate would have it, Seal was placed in>the same jail cell as Emile Camp, a pilot from Slidell, Louisiana, who had>also been arrested for smuggling. He would work closely with the two agents in setting up a>sting operation involving the Medellin-based Ochoa cartel.[14]. >In February 1986, Barry Seal was preparing to be the government's chief>witness in the pending trial of Colombian drug-lord Jorge Luis Ochoa Vasquez,>head of the notorious Ochoa family of the Medellin cartel. In addition, the indictment will contain>one count of causing financial institutions not to file currency transaction>reports (CTRs). Should the grand jury return the indictment, the Government>agrees to allow the defendant to plead guilty to the two-count indictment. Even>though his testimony was critical to the government's case against Ochoa, as>one writer has suggested, Seal knew far more about drug trafficking in>Arkansas, and "where the bodies were buried," than he knew about Colombia, and>he could have helped put a number of prominent American politicians and>officials behind bars.[50]. (Barry) Seal was a key player at Mena. (across from post office) Clay Shaw 1024 St Peter N.O.La.Is next to camp -canal -near International trade mart.William Reilly Coffee Company and Crescent City Garage (LHO &JvB worked)G.wray Gil said He was with David Ferrie on 11-22-63 until 12:15.Ferrie said Marcello deportation trial 11-22-1963 party at hotel to celebrate. >However, another federal law, the Boland Amendment, came into play where the>Contras were concerned. Terry Reed and John Cummings, Compromised (NY: S.P.I. The type of conversion kit, or CAR, that>has been most widely used for the Colt AR-15 rifle is the M-16 E-2 .42 Various>parts for such kits were being manufactured at several small plants and>machine shops in Arkansas in the early-to-mid-1980s, including Iver Johnson's>and Brodix, all of which was perfectly legal at the time. Seal had discovered, flying into Mena from outside the>continental United States, that under certain circumstances U.S. Customs>agents at the airport did not inspect aircraft. In December of 1984, Seal was arrested in Louisiana for flying a cargo of marijuana into the state. Mention the CIA around Mena, Ark., and the response is likely to be an exasperated sigh and a pep talk about the local economy. | B'Man's Revolt, Pingback: ENGLISH Did Jeb Bush, VP George Herbert Walker Bush and Oliver North Murder CIA Drug Smuggler Barry Seal in February, 1986? The sign boldly>reflects that "A.B. ( jack ruby called Lennie Patrick in chicago ) It would focus the glare of the media spotlight on not only the Colombian Medellin Cartel, but also on the FBI and CIA as well as such political icons as then-Vice President George H.W. when he was cut down by machine gun fire outside the Salvation Army halfway house on . A sign located at one end of the property, bearing the standard FAA>announcement that the field is an aircraft landing strip, and forbidding>trespassing or tampering with aircraft, remains to this day. Beginnings The first rough airstrip was located south of the town on the McBride family's . (date 11-22-63- ferrie left his 2buddys )David Ferrie flight plan date 4-8-1963.flight plan vfr type craft cessna Name command: W Ferrieaddress command: N.O. The Mena Airport, Arkansas, with Photo Gallery. Where necessary, the stories are specifically>referred to. >Ambrose Evans-Pritchard reported in the 9 October 1994 London Sunday Telegraph>that the diary of former Arkansas State Police Investigator Russell Welch>contained the following entry on 4 June 1985: "[An agent from the DEA]>informed me in strictest confidence that it was believed, within his>department, that Barry Seal is [sic] flying weapons to Central and South>America. Because Reagan feared another communist regime in the Western Hemisphere, Seal was enlisted as an undercover informant for the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA). Both Smith and Missick were interested in Seal's proposal and>were given cash advances on the spot out of what Seal called his "trafficker>fund" (money 'provided by the DEA for its informants' use) for "transportation>expenses" associated with a meeting arranged for Miami in March. Bustamonte was ultimately prosecuted by the U.S. attorney in Miami, along>with Pablo Escobar, Carlos Lehder, Felix Dixon Bates, and Rodriguez Garcia.>See, Barry Seal's cross-examination in United States v. Norman Saunders, et>al., Cr. Barry Seal. According to Duncan and Welch, the bulk of the story centers around a drug-smuggler named Adler Berriman Seal, also known as Barry. During their conversation, it became obvious to Seal that Smith knew he>was a drug smuggler. At the height of his career, he was under investigation by the DEA in Mena, Arkansas, and New Orleans, Louisiana, in addition to being under the watchful eye of the FBI. [27], >At the time the order was signed, and in the weeks that followed, Seal>continued to work with the government as an informant, although his smuggling>activity had been substantially curtailed by judge Polozola's order. Likewise, the DEA in>Florida may have been concerned about losing its key informant if information>about Seal's DEA-related activities was conveyed to anyone else. [19], >On 3 March 1985, as scheduled, Seal met with Smith, Missick, Andre Fournier,>and Nigel Bowe at a Miami hotel. A May 21, 1992, Arkansas Times article carried a front page story of the drug trafficking, including three pictures of CIA contract agent and drug pilot Barry Seal, drug trafficker Jorge Luis . Reed and Cummings, Compromised, 108. Of the>thirty islands in the tiny chain, only six are inhabited. Barry Seal - An American History (American Made in the original version) is a film that tells how the existence of a man can change from one moment to the next, and take a decidedly unexpected turn. Renteria-Campo was extradited to Miami to be tried on federal weapons charges. >The fact that Seal had cut a deal with the DEA in exchange for DEA assistance>in his federal prosecution in Louisiana, was apparently never conveyed to the>CIA. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); What a tangled web! >18. . [8] Micah Morrison,>writing in the 18 October 1994 edition of the Wall Street Journal, says Seal>actually began operating out of the Mena (Arkansas) Intermountain Regional>Airport in 1981. does he talk about Terry Reed. He was also the>youngest pilot to be promoted to captain of the crew of a Boeing 707, and>later of a Boeing 747. Another company, Brodix Manufacturing,>had the machinery to cast the parts (lower receiver housings and carrier>assemblies) necessary to convert semiautomatic into automatic rifles,>especially M-16s. In the 2017 Doug Liman-directed movie "American Made," which was previously titled "Mena," Deborah DuBois, the third wife of Barry Seal, was portrayed by the character Lucy. Waters] is recognized for 5 minutes. The Fat Lady was>camouflaged. In 1981, Seal set up shop at Mena. Before he got involved in the criminal, he used to be an American aviator. Seal and the others were arrested for alleged violations of the Mutual>Security Act of 1954, a federal law barring the exportation of explosives>without prior State Department approval. Were talking a cargo of marijuana into the state causing financial institutions not to file currency transaction > reports CTRs! The halfway house on > on the McBride family & # x27 American. > reports ( CTRs ) sting operation involving the Medellin-based Ochoa cartel. 14! Boland Amendment was one of those federal laws the > insurance loss claim scam were also transported in tiny... > referred to > referred to first rough airstrip was located south the! 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