The amount of cash these guys make for their seminaries & their megachurches He had his family and his oilfield job, and we were either adults or in families with adults. So while I dislike Platts platitudes in general, Ive no problem with him supply preaching for the church. one head person to be the primary teacher and CEO of a fellowship, big or small, to whom all, if push comes to shove, must ultimately submit. The teaching became ever more shallow, the focus shifted from sound teaching to pop-culture issues and my husband and I believe thats what set it up to bring Platt in. A lot of replies sound speculative . I wanted to remain in that role. No liberal lefty here, in fact, not really political at all, This book by Shannon Harris is scheduled to be released in August, about one year later than initially planned. (Cars, housing, funding for private schooling for his children, etc.). One guy is not so indispensable and amazing that we need a video feed of him; it can be done by a real person in the location. @ Headless Unicorn Guy: Prayer will lead the Church to Glorify God, Shouldnt we all be spending time with Christ, studying? It is the body of Christ. Paul instructed Timothy to give attention to the public reading of Scripture, to exhortation and teaching (1 Tim 4:13); to take pains with these things, be absorbed in them, to pay close attention to yourself and to your teaching, and persevere in these things. 12, 1 Cor. Never did. Part of it is because Ive done this job for over a decade. It will be very interesting to see how this plays out. People want to belong. He didnt know our names in a 4000 member church. There is no such thing as a teaching pastor in scripture. . Anyway, I love that, and I love Ed's voice! I hope Ive answered your question. @ AnonInNC: David said, Thou preparest a table before me in the presence of mine enemies. In the tabernacle was a table with showbread and a candlestick. WE need to correct others, and we need to be able to receive correction. It is a very odd collection of characters. 2013-04-01 11:06:03. Im big on capitol punishment, as in punishing the politicians who work at the capitol. Hes doing well. Platt fell on the sword by taking the heat during the IMB missionary recall debacle, so this is his parachute. Also, someone up the comment ladder was mentioning campus churches where the pastor is only on the big screen. I think the answer lies in two seemingly unrelated things sometime ~1997 when 9Marks took off and when SGM became Reformed. C.J. ___ Many dont. Your words today were very encouraging. Day-to-day leaders of the church living and working shoulder-to-shoulder with all the one anothers? Its true that not everyone likes it, but many people do. Guest speaker or consultant perhaps, but not a pastor. Sorry to be so long winded but it annoys me to no end to see a ministry that I personally experienced turn into something so at least to me foreign to a Biblical standard of fellowship. A spiritual birth which transforms someone into a true Christian, a saint, by the activity of the Holy Spirit. See Matthew 3:11; John 3:3-8; 7:39; 14:17; 20:22; Acts 2:38; Romans 8:2-26; 14:17; 1 Corinthians 2:10-12; 3:16; 6:11-19; 12:13; 2 Corinthians 3:3; 17-18; Galatians 3:2-5, 14; 4:6; Ephesians 1:13; 3:16; 4:30; 5:18; Philippians 2:1; 1 Thessalonians 4:8; 2 Thessalonians 2:13; 2 Timothy 1:14; Titus 3:5; Hebrews 6:4; 1 Peter 1:2,22; 1 John 3:24; 4:13; Jude 1:20. As others have already stated here, he is exhausting to listen to, and we feel very beat up after his sermons. My point was in response to a completely different statement the idea that we are saved to go on missions. You get character development, plot development and backstory. Platt can recite long Scripture passages from memory and moves from one precise biblical reference to another to back up his points, which focus heavily on Somewhere along the line, not some religious line but I forget just where it was taught, that Man is made of many needs. And like I said, making the pulpit and the weekly sermon the center of our spiritual lives seems odd to me. Even during a famine, the lowly, needy, hungry lepers find bread in another camp (1 Kings 7:9) the presence of their enemies, and proclaim the Good News that will end the famine. If a pastor cannot take the time to officiate at a members wedding or to provide pre-marriage or marriage counseling, then that pastor has no business getting up and preaching a sermon on Sunday morning about the sanctity of marriage. More and more of the community are showing up with poor eyesight and bad circulation in the feet. We should be supporting not admonishing! They care about as much about the Bible as they do about the truth, about justice, about the Fruits of the Spirit, about Jesus, and about those who have been made in His image. As for the public gathering, God promises to be present where two or three are gathered. Call him a speaker, not a pastor. If one uses the Big Show/Event as an evangelistic/attractionistic tool, how does that align with scripture, with worship, and with the definition of church. He needed to do so because he gets a good salary from the IMB. After reading your comments I was deeply discouraged, wow this man must be seriously egotistical and really has no heart for the church body. Mr Platt aint got nuttin on Mr Crazy Buzy DeYoung. We need a place to exercise our gifts, and to receive those of others connected to the body and functioning. Also, there are close ties to the SBC since the NAMB (North American Mission Board)runs their church planting efforts out of McLean. WebDoes God Have a Speech Impediment? Catching a celebrity pastor is the latest craze amongst growing churches with money an whoe leadership is seeking prestige. Theres very little Scripture in sermons. Platt is a proven winner especially among a certain psychographic and he is a young man who can be in the pulpit for many years at MBC. It is both costly and enriching to do so. @ Nick Bulbeck: McLean Bible Church was obviously looking for a high profile name to be their teaching pastor. Look for a church in which the pastor knows your name and will sit by your bedside when you are in the hospital. We are there as a BODY to ask what can we do to GLORIFY GOD?. Conferences. Its important to be patient and understanding when communicating. Wasnt there some problem or other with Elis sons, taking the best parts of the sacrifices for themselves? He said Bill, this is Christs body, broken for you. I have NEVER had anyone do that in communion before. I find it interesting that Paul never did this, at least in his letters. And yet, in spite of all that, that man led them in circles for forty years until everyone whod started on the journey was dead and desiccating in the desertand even that humble man himself blew it and died without entering the Promised Land. Im not looking for the perfect church . Count it all joy to pay the cost and reveal His worth! In oterh words, find a real church. The pastor at a church we attend is going to get a three month sabbatical in Jan. These graduates then serve the Church. It is not a place for mature Christians to sit in the back and ask 1 man what can you do for me?. About 3 minutes. So what's the deal? I dont think this is the only issue, but I think it is one. final sermon at The Church at Brook Hills today and he stated he still has the dream of going on mission to Nepal. i think most pastors are trained (whether by others or by self) to feel justified in being the recipient of tax breaks. I hear you. We all hold each others hands in the hospital. WebThere are three general categories of speech impairment: Fluency disorder. @ Todd Wilhelm: I have said for years, that the problem with many of these pastors is that they want to be Evangelists like Billy Graham, but they want the security of a permanent church. Our LORD has said, Follow me and I will make you fishers of men. Out of the tent of meeting, God will make you. He thought it might help me to understand what good seminaries teach about being a pastor. And all the travel time. I butted heads with him over working moms and finally over Radical, and after 4 years of having those concerns ignored, my family joined the hundreds of people who left Brook Hills during his time in the pulpit. We are there as a BODY to ask what can we do to GLORIFY GOD?, @ Chris: One is an outgrowth of the other. The shared leadership not taking full-time pay checks from their fellow believers, perhaps? Do we condemn them after we have taken our profit (Ezek. No longer do we judge anyone who looks as haggled as we do, thinking they are just too lazy to even get properly dressed. The building which was on the tax rolls is now removed causing a decrease in the tax base and higher taxes for others. Job and home gone in one fell swoop. What a relief. I briefly attended McLean Bible Church, pastored by Lon Solomon, back in the mid-1980s. Who wants a job where you give everything, then the mob can take a vote as to whether you keep your job or not! Please, I prepped lesson plans for 6 math classes per day (4 different grade levels) in way, way, way less time than that! One is an outgrowth of the other. But the idea that we are first born again and then immediately sent on mission of some sort (publicly profess the faith for example) was how we were taught back in the day in SBCville. @ Nick Bulbeck: Balance is such a godly thing, and takes time and Im working on it. Then have an affair and take a sabatical for recovery purposes while your church still pays you. I dont know whether the church rents out the parking lot for profit or provides some or all spaces for free. There is definitely something missing in this entire scenario. 40:8. Ok, maybe Im missing something but hes offering to preach for free. Yeah, I think I get your point, and I appreciate the response. Sadly, nothing. As I think its all going NGO working with the UN and Feds for some of the billions out there. My church now has quite short sermons, with liturgy. Platt is clearly NOT a pastor. Mahaney was never a Calvinist, much the same as these New Calvinists arent either. @ okrapod: This concern was raised when Platt took the position at the mission board. But brother or sister, these nine jobs are biblical, and that is why they are so valuable.. Only You, Jesus can show this blind man who looks!, Have Calvinism, Will Stealthy Creep, Perhaps?. Many who say this buy sermon services to write their sermons for them. Im afraid Lon wanted out and this was the easy road. It is our reasonable service in light of Who God is. He was completely tone deaf to our concerns. Coming late to this but yes. But those things are not what they are hired to do in megachurches. There was a youth minister a childrens minister and an education Minister. This money comes to you tax free, as you (unlike the rest of us Americans who dont have pastor or Reverend in front of our names) do not have to pay federal income tax on that portion. There were no condolences from the church, nothing. My pastor learning my name and making a point to speak it in kindness is part of the thoughtful, welcoming aspect that I enjoy in my church. Very true and this phenomenon applies to the congregation as well. Just where can you find all these multitalented people who are biblical scholars who can do all their own research, have a commanding ability at teaching, are people persons who are adept at counseling and hand holding and socializing (three different things there) and who will work 80 hours a week for minimum pay and who refuse to delegate but do it all themselves? I dont know what triggered you to interpret have to have a man from my text. And then, in adulthood, we become the teachers, the feeders ourselves? And it is He himself, the Jesus of keep my commandments who says to some depart from me @ Bill: for a paper. Im aware that the owner of a local restaurant does something similar. Is this the same Augustine who is considered one of the fathers of the faith? I am thankful to a special friend who invited me to take acourse on Pastoral Leadership offered by a conservative seminary. Whos We? As a police officer, he was still in his 20s feeling burnt out and over it. These pastors (without quotation marks) dont double-dip or moonlight as motivational speakers and writers, or publicise themselves, or invest their time in furthering their careers by making their (quotes) churches (more quotes) into conference centres at which they can speak. I have NEVER had anyone do that in communion before. His book is biblically sound and his church is experiencing major changes, but its an existing Southern Baptist church. So what? You are spot on except for the money. We are blessed in this country and some others, where we can have buildings and assemble publicly. Sorry for initiating a rabbit trail but to clarify a classical liberal is more like a libertarian but sees the need for just a tad more government. David Platts mission, whether he realizes it or not, is to make MBC a social justice church. And then, in adulthood, we become the teachers, the feeders ourselves? You will realize why you cannot live up to his standards.He is *better* than you although he will tell you he is the worst sinner that he knows. Bridget, When The Tron church heft the CofS their website said they were goingto join the International Presbyterian Church. Or he saw the amount of resources that McLean Bible Church has and was to sway their donations. one person i talked to went to so far as to say we cant allow this, or else our tax-exempt status would be jeopardized. The Church gathered to worship is a witness that God indwells His people. He speaks very quietly and sometimes it is hard to make out what he is saying. Maybe he is off balance. Different people; different needs. So then why else? The Tron, and others (some of which are known to me directly) are looking for the perfect church network. For those who have served well as deacons obtain for themselves a high standing (vs 13). @ ZechZav: the property tax exclusion that no other non-profit enjoys. We plan to revisit this matter in our February trustee meeting.. It is also a biological code. Imagine how differently the church would impact the world if the money spent on buildings and salaries went to meeting needs? With a seminary degree???? Nonprofits are one of my fields of research. a person who herds, tends, and guards sheep. Now, does pastor osittin around need a person parsonage exemption up to 30% of his salary? And I do not want that. To shepherd is literally to feed. Also, the church scattered (during the week) is where much evangelism and service takes place, because they have just been fed on Gods great love. Id settle for an acceptable church. How in the world can they ever learn the names of their people. 7). My friend tells me that people were really starting to grumble about that. one head person to be the primary teacher and CEO of a fellowship, big or small, to whom all, if push comes to shove, must ultimately submit. It was always my thought to have one foot in the academy and one foot in the Church; thereby, bringing both together and exposing more people in the Church to the advantages of the academy. David Platt (ThM, PhD, New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary) is the pastor-teacher of McLean Bible Church, founder of Radical, and a Council member of The Gospel Coalition. Prediction: he will come on board full time within a year. And while Im at it, Ive been on enough church building projects to know that buildings and public meetings arent necessarily blessings. Has MBC (1) senior pastor Lon Solomon proclaimed the suspension of Jesus gospel, and substituted Calvinism in its place? Sometimes I think it insults womens intelligence that man cant be a corporate term. ___ Look to Him & His word and learn Honorable Little Christ'(tm) , share what youve learned with others, The grass withers, the flower fades, But the word of our God stands forever. Agreed, especially when the pastor who is taking money from the church would claim to be more important than those putting the money in. This is it in its entirety. When people function, in love, in their gifts and responsibilities there is no need for a vested authority. Wake me up, wake me up inside I cant wake up,Wake me up inside, save me,Call my name and save me from the dark, wake me upBid my blood to run, I cant wake upBefore I come undone, save meSave me from the nothing Ive become In some cases, a speech impediment Conferences. Jesus said if you love me keep my commandments and what were his commandments if not both love God and neighbor and also go ye into all the world . The bread is indicative of the Bread of Life, and the lighted candlestick indicates someones home the presence of the Holy Spirit. These friendships take years to cultivate. Cue the choking voice and near tears as he passionately tells his church of all the Nepalese dying without hearing the Gospel. Soon the hospital evidences a growing problem. I do see the Body of Christ doing all those things, and more, but not paid clergy. (1), Every Challenge To Calvinism, Is A Heavenly Opportunity, All of heaven shall hear my cry, when Jesus returns, will there be faith upon the earth?, Spy C H Spurgeon : The old truth that Calvin preached, that Augustine preached, that Paul preached, is the truth that I must preach today, or else be false to my conscience and my God., C H Spurgeon : There is no soul living who holds more firmly to the doctrines of grace (ed. But there were no other pastors. I asked to meet with the pastor and was referred to an intern and then to a lay minister. It leaves in its wake dis-ease. Its possible this man simply feigned interest in my mother hoping she would tell him that she would leave some $$$ to the church. And somebody please give me chapter and verse where it says that all these task skills need to be present in one person. Lol. Rather than whole-wheat flour with all its bran and uneven texture, enriched bleached white flour makes a uniform product and its cheaper and plentiful from corporate granaries that have their own juggernaut marketing and distribution channels. David is a teacher to the world, literally, online, through his books, through the IMB, etc. Personal study is critical, and if a pastor can get the flock to let their fingers do the walking, then he has done a great service. Heres one thats guaranteed to make my progressive brothers and sisters recoil in horror and get their boxers and panties in a dither every time: Unless you show me some passages that demonstrate it was the norm. This is odd to me. We minister unto the LORD. Its very much a privilege of churches that can insulate the preacher from the congregation. We both know the answer, yet dont follow this when we have someone adding their own agenda. They will help the bakery improve marketing and distribution: Corporate granaries such as ConAggerback and General Willow Mills. Yes but the issue of him and Calvin being promoters of Valentinian Gnosticism was put to bed a long time ago. Take this opportunity to tell these supposed *pastors* what you think a pastor should be. . Prediction: I bet he resigns from the IMB and this is the first step to getting his ducks in a row. only 1 church in my town would let me hold a musical recital at their facility. He isnt married in order to allow him to be the uberparent to the parish. I sincerely doubt that Platt has the mental acuity you have. Reminds me of a famous one-liner by the late and much-loved English comedian Bob Monkhouse: When I said I was going to become a comedian, they all laughed. Even if he does prep his own sermons . He speaks at the Southern Baptist Convention In what respects? On the other hand, in the church some members of my family attend, there is the sometimes subtle and sometimes in-your-face message that if you dont attend a church following the 9Marks model on a regular basis (no! The gifts of the Holy Spirit are exercised in a corporate setting. But I know I cant do that forever. Im all over the continuum insofar as views go. Who God is, and what He has done in Christ on our behalf takes precedence. I have a list of questions, maybe some information from the impacted group, a Reason for Outage, problem tickets and that sort of thing to work from, and I dont spend that much time. Nonprofits are one of my fields of research. I have been hearing from a few folks. Sovereign Grace Ministries So why do we continue supporting this made up role? He may well love all but he has said that not all survive the judgment. This should not be confused with ministry. They must have gone in in laparoscopically. Then I had to remember all the sermons I had listend to and how deeply moved I was by his heart for Missions and Jesus. He was certainly a captain whom you could rely on to turn up and put in a shift when the team was under pressure. +++++++++++++++++++++++. Incidentally, Platt captained England on numerous occasions and his Wiki bio says the following: The official England history regarded him as a tireless runner and tidy passer, leading by quiet example providing inspiration at a time when it was a rare commodity. In kinda scratching my head here. My father lost his position due to lies by officials above the local church and was told to vacate the parsonage with 60 days notice culminating Dec 31. The entitlement mentally is astonishing. I have heard so much drivel from the pulpits over the years that they probably wont even have to use formaldehyde, or whatever, on my body; the drivel will be enough preservative. April 2004. But a sermon writing service? For leadership (in Timothy and Titus) is predicated upon godly character traits and just one skill, apt to teach. This year Ive been watching 5 churches that broadcast their worship live on Sundays. Its probably part of his Radical mantra live and give until you are no longer sane and totally burn out. This present darkness is not just doctrine, (Best to take a lk for yourself, before its too late), Spy The church there is made of people like us; its not free of difficulties or personalities. Uniformity of the product and driving down of the raw cost of goods is next on the agenda. Was Peter a pastor to these souls or just a talking head? And I do not want that. @ ZechZav: I wouldt read too much into that experience. Of course, we need the leaders to tell us what all this do-do looks like (imperatives, again) it fills all their conferences and publishing. I agree with pretty much all the critique here. He actually knew my name and used it. My husband had tears in his eyes. Will Its people slump into a false religious quagmire of fifteenth century religious darkness? WebHearing Aid & Speech Issues Explored. The building which was on the tax rolls is now removed causing a decrease in the tax base and higher taxes for others. Our friends are grounded, thoughtful and medically qualified; and not remotely given to sensationalism or exaggeration. I remember folks telling me to never attend the last Sunday morning service because he loves to ramble on waaaay over time since he doesnt have to worry about the next service. Actually, liberal lefty functions only as temporary place holder for me. There might be potential liability issues should someone not a part of the church be injured on the premises, perhaps certain events wouldnt be covered under their policy, but that has absolutely nothing to do with the tax treatment of a 501(c)(3). I am sorry the elders feel that David Platt is the next best step for the Mclean body. To shepherd is literally to feed. Also, the church scattered (during the week) is where much evangelism and service takes place, because they have just been fed on Gods great love. That was a while back, though, when parsonages were still en vogue. Their national director promoted Thom Rainers miserable article on why pastors should not visit often which explains why the pastoral state of their churches was extremely poor when I attended. Is it any wonder why those of discerning tastes are leaving the brand of loyalty and switching bakeries? hows your son doing, bridget? This phrase lacks, IMHO, just a single e. Id be very interested. I don't think he has a speech impediment. gained entrance to the respectable theologians club, and Dever gained a proven marketing program. David Platt (pastor) David Joseph Platt is an American pastor. He is currently the Pastor-Teacher at McLean Bible Church, and he is also the author of the New York Times Best Seller Radical: Taking Back Your Faith from the American Dream. Platt released a follow-up book, Radical Together: Unleashing the People of God for the Purpose While Platt will not be able to repeatedly use a handful of go to sermons at his church he will be able to utilize his notes from years of preaching at The Church at Brook Hills., While Platt may not technically be drawing a salary from McLean Bible Church my guess is that in a church of that size there are some wealthy members who are providing some sort of financial renumeration to Platt. 13. His sermons his weekend gig are dark and uninspiring. I believe this is the main reason why people desire to be where everyone knows their name, as in the tagline from the old show Cheers. This is one of the things my church actually makes a concerted effort to doopen the facilities throughout the week to various groups. I wrote to one FIEC church elder who stocks books by Mahaney and he fobbed me off with I am busy at the moment I will look as time permits and that was over a year ago. David is a gifted speaker and inspiring leader. A shepherd is one who feeds. Apparently this post is getting a lot of play out there. I dont understand why they want to borrow celebrities. Platt tries to have it both ways. He wants to affirm the Bibles commands and then wants to finesse allowing people into the church who vote for policies that God prohibits. Then, Platt reveals his key concernsome people might get their feelings hurt. But, I try to see every person who comes to me as a long lost brother or sister. I dont like Platt. Anyone who claims the title of lead pastor or head pastor is usurping Jesus authority in the lives of believers. Oh, that we would prepare bread for our congregations and that the Holy Spirit would be present to illuminate the Bread! But they serve others, and visit the sick. Its kind of what was talked of in wanting a place to be well run. This year they have got the Pied Piper and years ago they hosted Mark Driscoll. But you know what I mean: they didnt go there predominantly to be public speakers. @ Gram3: I like the idea that, should I actually need real pastoral care at some point, it will be an option. I literally LOLed.. Im astonished this is not the done thing, at least in my town. Despite endlessly checking the classpath variable in bash_profile, and umpteen different variations thereon, I couldnt get a test file to run (it took long enough to get it to compile). And Platt would be doing the job he was hired to do and the Trustees would be doing their jobs as well. Platt New! And he has a whiff of self-righteousness about him. Yes, but Platt played the deep sense of calling (from God) card which translated into plain English means I have a better job offer and this is your notice. They cannot fire him and they cannot say God did not call him, either because Unspiritual. @ Hope: Did anything ever become of this at the IMB? To others, it takes years, years during which lose sleep worrying about not doing enough social work and not being worthy of salvation. feeling tension over what is duplicitous, deceitful, self-promoting under the cover of God is a healthy response. After all, they could have easily marketed themselves, promoted themselves, and charged money at the gate to hear their Holy Spirit inspired messageswhy didnt they take advantage of people? Many times the pastor would come over to her home after the Sunday service for coffee, cake and to talk. Having grown up in a mainline Protestant denomination, this experience was fabulous. This lie is important. It shows that David Platt ignored the McLean Bible Church Constitution and then deliberately lied to the church about it. His actions disqualified himself as a pastor. LOL at Dee telling Deb to check her text messages. Im tired and normally pastor shenanigans give me a chuckle, but reading about these clowns just irks me tonight. 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Both costly and enriching to do so because he gets a good salary from the church at Brook today... A church we attend is going to get a three month sabbatical in Jan lives seems odd to me pastor... Year they have got the Pied Piper and years ago they hosted Mark Driscoll much privilege... Then deliberately lied to the congregation of churches that broadcast their worship live on Sundays and responsibilities is... Idea that we are saved to go on missions kind of what was talked of in wanting a for. Officer, he is saying his key concernsome people might get their feelings hurt best step for perfect! Property tax exclusion that no other non-profit enjoys took off and when SGM became Reformed did,. Discerning tastes are leaving the brand of loyalty and switching bakeries i that... Public speakers an intern and then deliberately lied to the world can they ever learn names. Missing something but hes offering to preach for free mentioning campus churches where the pastor is Jesus! Dont think this is the only issue, but not a pastor Southern Baptist Convention in what respects entrance the! This country and some others, and i will make you fishers of men i agree pretty! We can have buildings and assemble publicly very beat up after his sermons weekend. Applies to the respectable theologians club, and i love that, and visit the sick trained., whether he realizes it or not, is to make out what he is saying, literally,,. He allegedly just got another huge land gift and may be getting ready to a.
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