West Point Officers in the Civil War - Class of 1846 No single group of men at West Point--or possibly any academy--has been so indelibly written into history as the class of 1846. The Union victory and Lincoln's proclamation played a considerable role in dissuading the governments of France and Britain from recognizing the Confederacy; some suspected they were planning to do so in the aftermath of another Union defeat. I attended the University of Pennsylvania and then went on to study at the U.S. Military Academy at West Point. He told Ellen, "I will not fight for the abolitionists." 2014-05-09 14:23:23. Ellen accepted Hill's proposal in 1856, but her family did not approve and he withdrew. By war's end, about 2 million men had served in His closest friends were aristocratic southerners including George Pickett, Dabney Maury, Cadmus Wilcox, and A. P. Hill. His nomination was largely an effort by key party members to prevent the leading candidate, Leon Abbett, from gaining the nomination. Then, however, McClellan came under extreme criticism in the press and Congress when it was learned that Johnston's forces had not only slipped away unnoticed, but had for months fooled the Union Army with logs painted black to appear as cannons, nicknamed Quaker Guns. Peninsula Campaign: From Yorktown to Seven Pines Peninsula Campaign: Seven Days' Battles The Peninsula (or Peninsular) Campaign was a major Union offensive against the Confederate capital. Ellen, or Nelly, refused McClellan's first proposal of marriage, one of nine that she received from a variety of suitors, including his West Point friend, A. P. Hill. Nicknamed "Young Napoleon," "Little Mac" was immensely popular with the men who served under his command. [21], In October 1859, McClellan was able to resume his courtship of Mary Ellen, and they were married in Calvary Church, New York City, on May 22, 1860. He concluded by implying he should be restored as general-in-chief, but Lincoln responded by naming Maj. Gen. Henry W. Halleck to the post without consulting, or even informing, McClellan. allowing approximately 200,000 Black soldiers to serve in the Union Army during the Civil War. McClellan had hoped to use the 1st Corps to capture Glouchester Point and thus outflank the Confederate position. George Brinton McClellan was born into an elite Philadelphia family on December 3, 1826. George B. McClellan was a prominent nineteenth-century American military and political leader. McClellan was called as the first witness on December 23, but he contracted typhoid fever and could not attend. I was appointed to the staff of General Winfield Scott during the Mexican War (1846-48). Debates were held as to whether the army should be evacuated or attempt to resume an offensive toward Richmond. He told one of his generals, "He is an able general but a very cautious one. Died 29 Oct 1885 in Orange, New Jersey. [2] His father's family was of Scottish and English heritage. When Ulysses S. Grant became general-in-chief, he discussed returning McClellan to an unspecified position. Northern fears of a continued offensive by Robert E. Lee were realized when he launched his Maryland campaign on September 4, hoping to arouse pro-Southern sympathy in the slave state of Maryland. In March 1852, he was ordered to report to Capt. Lincoln won the election handily, with 212 Electoral College votes to 21, and a popular vote of 2,218,388 to 1,812,807 or 55% to 45%. [87], In March 1877 the Governor of New York, Lucius Robinson, nominated McClellan to serve as the first state Superintendent of Public Works,[88] but the New York State Senate rejected him as "incompetent for the position". In this, McClellan was perhaps influenced by his questioning of Confederate deserter Edward B. McMurdy, whose testimony was not accepted by Lincoln, Secretary of State Seward, or General-in-Chief Scott, but reaffirmed for McClellan the numbers he had convinced himself of. This was a risky move for a smaller army, but Lee was counting on his knowledge of McClellan's temperament. The second would use the same force to drive south instead, crossing the Ohio River into Kentucky and Tennessee. For this reason, some of his Southern colleagues approached him informally about siding with the Confederacy, but he could not accept the concept of secession. I find myself in a new and strange position herePresdt, Cabinet, Genl Scott & all deferring to meby some strange operation of magic I seem to have become the power of the land. During a temporary armistice in which the forces of Gen. Zachary Taylor awaited action, McClellan was stricken with dysentery and malaria, which kept him in the hospital for nearly a month. [82] For all his popularity with the troops, McClellan failed to secure their support and the military vote went to Lincoln nearly 31. As Lee recounted, McClellan was attempting to make "this a battle of posts" which would lock the Confederate army in an attritional battle with superior Union firepower. On November 1, 1861, President Abraham Lincolnnywayanyday George Brinton McClellan general in charge of the Union army, replacing the elderly and infirm Winfield Scott. Back in Washington, a reorganization of units created the Army of Virginia under Maj. Gen. John Pope, who was directed to advance toward Richmond from the northeast. Although he complimented McClellan and expressed his "great confidence in your intelligence, zeal, science, and energy", he replied by letter that the 80,000 men would be better used on a river-based expedition to control the Mississippi River and split the Confederacy, accompanied by a strong Union blockade of Southern ports. With nowhere to go, Joseph Johnston's army struck ou McClellan, in full George Brinton McClellan, (born December 3, 1826, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, U.S.died October 29, 1885, Orange, New Jersey), general who skillfully reorganized Union forces in the first year of the American Civil War (1861-65) but drew wide criticism for repeatedly failing to press his advantage Free shipping for many products! [70] Within hours of receiving the order, McClellan dispatched some of his cavalry to assess whether The Confederates had moved in accordance with the order. "[34] But in November 1861, he wrote to his wife, "I will, if successful, throw my sword onto the scale to force an improvement in the condition of those poor blacks." Despite his successes and lucrative salary ($10,000 per year), he was frustrated with civilian employment and continued to study classical military strategy assiduously. McClellan's army began to sail from Alexandria on March 17. He established a supply base on the Pamunkey River (a navigable tributary of the York River) at White House Landing where the Richmond and York River Railroad extending to Richmond crossed, and commandeered the railroad, transporting steam locomotives and rolling stock to the site by barge.[53]. McClellan spent the next three weeks repositioning his troops and waiting for promised reinforcements. Malaria would recur in later years; he called it his "Mexican disease. It became standard issue for as long as the U.S. horse cavalry existed and is still used for ceremonies. "If I save this army now, I tell you plainly I owe no thanks to you or to any other persons in Washington. On September 2, 1862, Lincoln named McClellan to command "the fortifications of Washington, and all the troops for the defense of the capital". [8] He graduated at age 19 in 1846, second in his class of 59 cadets, losing the top position to Charles Seaforth Stewart only because of inferior drawing skills. [105] Second, that as the radical Republicans were the true winners coming out of the Civil War, they were able to write its history, placing their principal political rival of the time, McClellan, in the worst possible light. Although McClellan was assuaged by supportive comments Lincoln made to him, in time he saw the change of command very differently, describing it as a part of an intrigue "to secure the failure of the approaching campaign".[48]. Beauregard. His subordinate commander, William S. Rosecrans, bitterly complained that his attack was not reinforced as McClellan had agreed. Such a villain as he is ought to bring defeat upon any cause that employs him. Early in the war, McClellan played an important role in raising a well-trained and organized army for the Union. Seen from a longer perspective, General McClellan could be both comfortable and successful performing as executive officer, and also, if somewhat less successfully, as grand strategist; as battlefield commander, however, he was simply in the wrong profession. Thank you." "[41], Lincoln, as well as many other leaders and citizens of the northern states, became increasingly impatient with McClellan's slowness to attack the Confederate forces still massed near Washington. George B. McClellan forced the Confederates in northwestern Virginia to retreat into the Alleghenies in 1861. Davis was beginning to treat McClellan almost as a protg, and his next assignment was to assess the logistical readiness of various railroads in the United States, once again with an eye toward planning for the transcontinental railroad. [26], His forces moved rapidly into the area through Grafton and were victorious at the Battle of Philippi, the first land conflict of the war. [81], The deep division in the party, the unity of the Republicans (running under the label "National Union Party"), the absence of a large portion of the Democrats' base (the South) from the voter pool, and the military successes by Union forces in the fall of 1864, doomed McClellan's candidacy. [1], McClellan's first assignment was with a company of engineers formed at West Point, but he quickly received orders to sail for the Mexican War. George McClellan was a U.S. Army engineer, railroad president and politician who served as a major general during the Civil War. [6] He began attending the university in 1840, when he was 14 years old, resigning himself to the study of law after his family decided that medical educations for both McClellan and his older brother John were too expensive. McClellan's rapid promotion was partly due to his acquaintance with Salmon P. Chase, Treasury Secretary and former Ohio governor and senator. He graduating second in his class of 59 in 1846. Template:Otherpeople2 George Brinton McClellan (December 3, 1826 - October 29, 1885) was a major general during the American Civil War. McClellan returned to West Point to command his engineering company, which was attached to the academy for the purpose of training cadets in engineering activities. He claimed to have defeated an attempt at vote fraud by Republicans by ordering the delay of a train that was carrying men to vote illegally in another county, enabling Douglas to win the county. in one way or other. He called a council of war at the White House in which McClellan's subordinates were asked about their confidence in the Urbanna plan. McClellan continued to believe intelligence reports that credited the Confederates with two or three times the men they actually had. First, McClellan proponents say that because the general was a conservative Democrat with great personal charisma, radical Republicans fearing his political potential deliberately undermined his field operations. During his administration, two companies were equipped with Gatling guns, a new battalion was organized, regular rifle practice was instituted, and provisions were made to supply new uniforms. Initially, McClellan was somewhat successful against General Joseph E. Johnston, but the emergence of General Robert E. Lee to command the Army of Northern Virginia turned the subsequent Seven Days Battles into a Union defeat. . [100], One of the reasons that McClellan's reputation has suffered is his own memoirs. George Brinton Mcclellan Jr, McClellan, George B. McClellan, George B. George B. McClellan was born in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, on December 3, 1826. . [59] In both battles, effective command of the army fell to his friend and V Corps commander Brigadier General Fitz John Porter. A sensational story had reached the press that the expedition had been ambushed by 2,000 Comanches and killed to the last man. george brinton mcclellan (december 3, 1826 - october 29, 1885) was an american soldier, civil war union general, civil engineer, railroad executive, and politician who served as the 24th governor of new jersey.a graduate of west point, mcclellan served with distinction during the mexican-american war (1846- 1848), and later left the army to serve McClellan's antipathy to emancipation added to the pressure on him, as he received bitter criticism from Radical Republicans in the government. $65.00 + $4.75 shipping . [71], Still, historians including James M. McPherson in Crossroads of Freedom: Antietam and The Battle Cry of Freedom, Stephen Sears in Landscape Turned Red, John Keegan in The American Civil War, and James V. Murfin in The Gleam of Bayonets have provided clear evidence that McClellan, despite his expressed joy upon being given the order, delayed by some 18 hours before reacting to the intelligence coup, resulting in Lee's being able to elude the late-arriving Union forces, and this remains the standard view. [85] McClellan was also fortunate that the failure of the campaign left his army mostly intact, because he was generally absent from the fighting and neglected to name any second-in-command who might direct his retreat. [64] The president admitted that it was like "curing the bite with the hair of the dog". In June 1851, he was ordered to Fort Delaware, a masonry work under construction on an island in the Delaware River, forty miles (65km) downriver from Philadelphia. McClellan was unable to command the army personally because of a recurrence of malarial fever, but his subordinates were able to repel the attacks. On May 31, as McClellan planned an assault, his army was surprised by a Confederate attack. To that end, he advocated for cautious spending to allow for a state tax cut of fifty percent; by the end of McClellan's term, the state tax on residents was abolished entirely. By June the expedition reached the source of the north fork of the river and Marcy named a small tributary McClellan's Creek. I have to fight my way against him. [33] He created defenses for Washington that were almost impregnable, consisting of 48 forts and strong points, with 480 guns manned by 7,200 artillerists. Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for CIVIL WAR GENERAL GEORGE B. McCLELLAN & WIFE ~ c. - 1863 at the best online prices at eBay! McClellan organized and led the Union army in the Peninsula Campaign in southeastern Virginia from March through July 1862. Upon graduation, George McClellan was appointed 2nd Lieutenant in the Corps of Engineers. He also received an assignment to the Department of Texas, with orders to perform a survey of Texas rivers and harbors. A planned attack on September 16 was put off because of early morning fog, allowing Lee to prepare his defenses with an army less than half the size of McClellan's. Johnston saw that the Union army was split in half by the rain-swollen Chickahominy River and hoped to defeat it in detail at Seven Pines and Fair Oaks. But although McClellan was meticulous in his planning and preparations, these characteristics are largely viewed as making him an ineffective battlefield commander, and he has been criticized frequently leaving . Military Officer and Politician. [30], Carl Sandburg wrote, "McClellan was the man of the hour, pointed to by events, and chosen by an overwhelming weight of public and private opinion. "Notwithstanding all that has been said by the traitors to induce you to believe that our advent among you will be signalized by interference with your slaves, understand one thing clearlynot only will we abstain from all such interference but we will on the contrary with an iron hand, crush any attempted insurrection on their part." Historian and biographer Stephen W. Sears observed that McClellan's actions would have been "essentially sound" for a commander who was as outnumbered as McClellan thought he was, but McClellan in fact rarely had less than a two-to-one advantage over the armies that opposed him in 1861 and 1862. [77] McClellan had no prior knowledge that the plans for emancipation rested on his battle performance. Beginning in 1872, he also served as the president of the Atlantic and Great Western Railroad. He had received intelligence reports on May 26 that the critical Baltimore and Ohio Railroad bridges in that portion of the state were being burned. Early in the conflict, McClellan was appointed to the rank of major general and played an important role in raising a well-trained and disciplined army, which would become the Army of the Potomac in the Eastern Theater; he served a brief period (November 1861 to March 1862) as Commanding General of the United States Army of the Union Army. Upon realizing the intelligence value of this discovery, McClellan threw up his arms and exclaimed, "Now I know what to do!" Congress's joint committee visited the abandoned Confederate lines and radical Republicans introduced a resolution demanding the dismissal of McClellan, but it was narrowly defeated by a parliamentary maneuver. But all of these opportunities were impossible, given the opposition within the administration and the knowledge that McClellan posed a potential political threat. "Prince John" Magruder defended the Peninsula against McClellan's advance with a vastly smaller force. He later wrote that had it been his place to arrange the terms of peace, he would have insisted on gradual emancipation, guarding the rights of both slaves and masters, as part of any settlement. It was an armada that dwarfed all previous American expeditions, transporting 121,500 men, 44 artillery batteries, 1,150 wagons, over 15,000 horses, and tons of equipment and supplies. (The information was not used until 1870 when President Ulysses S. Grant unsuccessfully attempted to annex the Dominican Republic.) [109], Several geographic features and establishments have been named for George B. McClellan. So it was that George McClellan imagined three Rebel soldiers for every one he faced on the Antietam battlefield. McClellan was also unwilling, due to Porter's opinion, to employ his ample reserve forces to capitalize on localized successes. Will send you trophies. George Brinton McClellan (December 3, 1826 October 29, 1885) was an American soldier, Civil War Union general, civil engineer, railroad executive, and politician who served as the 24th governor of New Jersey. But McClellan was also tacitly acknowledging that he would no longer be able to invest Richmond, the object of his campaign; the heavy siege artillery required would be almost impossible to transport without the railroad connections available from his original supply base on the York River. [49] The army's advance from Fort Monroe up the Virginia Peninsula proved to be slow. [52], McClellan's army moved towards Richmond over the next three weeks, coming to within four miles (6km) of it. These associations gave McClellan what he considered to be an appreciation of the southern mind and an understanding of the political and military implications of the sectional differences in the United States that led to the Civil War. In the Mexican War, he won brevets of 1st Lieutenant and Captain for his zeal, gallantry, and . It ruined Lee's plans to invade Pennsylvania and took the initiative away from the Confederate commander. It was the first large-scale offensive in the Eastern Theater. George Brinton McClellan was born in Philadelphia on December 3, 1826, the son of a prominent surgeon, Dr. George McClellan, the founder of Jefferson Medical College. Wiki User. Bouquets, beautiful and fragrant, in great numbers were thrown at him, and the ladies crowded around him with the warmest good wishes, and many of them were entirely overcome with emotion. The first would use 80,000 men to invade Virginia through the Kanawha Valley toward Richmond. By August 19, he estimated 150,000 rebel soldiers on his front. What name was given to the attempt in 1860 to get southern states to stay in the Union. McClellan was forced to repudiate the platform, which made his campaign inconsistent and difficult. He arrived near the mouth of the Rio Grande in October 1846, well prepared for action with a double-barreled shotgun, two pistols, a saber, a dress sword, and a Bowie knife. He traveled by special train on the main Pennsylvania line from Wheeling through Pittsburgh, Philadelphia, and Baltimore, and on to Washington City, and was greeted by enthusiastic crowds that met his train along the way. That fall, for example, Confederate forces ranged from 35,000 to 60,000, whereas the Army of the Potomac in September numbered 122,000 men; in early December 170,000; by year end, 192,000. He reported to Washington that he faced 200,000 Confederates, perhaps due to a false report on the arrival of another Confederate army P.G.T. [42], McClellan further damaged his reputation by his insulting insubordination to his commander-in-chief. He complained that he had arrived too late to take any part in the American victory at Monterrey in September. Every decision he made that September 17 was dominated by his fear of counterattack by phantom Confederate battalions. In the fall of 1852, McClellan published a manual on bayonet tactics that he had translated from the original French. The Battle of South Mountain also presented McClellan with an opportunity for one of the great theatrical moments of his career, as historian Sears describes: The mountain ahead was wreathed in smoke eddies of battle smoke in which the gun flashes shone like brief hot sparks. Yet there was obvious disappointment that McClellan had not crushed Lee, who was fighting with a smaller army with its back to the Potomac River. Under the pressure of his ultimate soldier's responsibility, the will to command deserted him. That night, McClellan decided to withdraw his army to a safer base, well below Richmond, on a portion of the James River that was under control of the Union Navy. 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