Heres how I kept my soul. Yes-they had mandatory attendance and a dress code. While all the Campuses (Barbados, Jamaica and Trinidad) offer high quality Medical degrees, I highly recommend the beautiful Cave Hill Campus in Barbados. If a student does fall below either mark students may or may not be allowed to decel, which means repeating the failed class; however, this looks bad on a residency app and if one fails again they are almost certainly dismissed (rare exceptions). My school gave me the opportunity to study medicine, something that US medical schools didnt do for me. Things were not running the same, at the same pace or according to expectations when not home. Some DO students do in fact take the USMLE as well, but a much smaller sample of DO students. Please. So, in these cases, you cant ever refer to your class notes or powerpoints to study to Step 1. These kids are not geniuses. I have tons of research and Clinical exp as well. This is a real school. Firstly if we talk about the pros of this university then here are the details, My parents always tell me those students who perform really well dont have two headsso you can do it too. Students who need extra academic help are assigned to a different cohort, so not all of the 1,000 or 900 or 500 or whatever is the number of students per term are mashed into a lecture hall. Review fee: $500. Thank you. Will anything ever be done about that evil institution? When we unite as a profession to PROTECT one another and not allow our colleagues to fall and be preyed upon we will finally have real health care. He received $85k from AUA and $75k from SGU, but contacted the dean and will try to get more. Do you get federal loans for Saba University? Many of us miss our families; we missed family celebrations and parties at our best friends house. We got them to retreat from that EMTs? Additionally, if you have the study material for Step 1 and have learned it well, you will pass every class with more than a 70% aka a C. Furthermore, if you cannot score a 70% or better on NBME subject exams, how do you expect to score well on Step 1? I decided to apply to Caribbean Medical Schools. But I guess thats more reasonable than going to that one Phil MED school allowing US Student Loans and US MED/Caribbean Territory rates. Sounds like a monopoly. I can tell you there are no competency gaps between me and my peers. Sadly, medicine as we know it today, is a business from start to finish. After she applied and was accepted, she braced herself for her six-year odyssey in Cuba. A complete overhaul is needed. I cannot see myself doing medical school over again from scratch, I invested over 5 years to medical school (including pre-med program) Its painful what I have gone through. Your post has caused me to stop, pause, and think. No words. The author above complains about the lectures being terrible and no guidance is given to students. I am an FMG. You are literally living at a cruise ship destination! The reasons are as follows. lol idk why this just stuck a nerve ? After reading your post you are insinuating that the school is closing down??!!!!! So why come here? I saw them dismiss hard-working students who were already in 4th term and close to already over $300k in debt. I am particularly interested to know whether these students are more likely to end up in hospitals of last resort, where they may be more likely to get away with mistakes. Failed out You just have to be willing to read and study EVERY day. One admissions director friend of mine, told me that they only accept a certain GPA and MCAT score because in the end they have to be accredited and to be accredited that 99% of their students need to graduate and obtain their medical license after graduation. I thought Noreste in Tampico was BAD. After about a month the class will be down to 900 or so. If anyone has specific questions regarding lectures, housing, professors, etc., Id be more than happy to answer them! What school if you dont mind sharing. A few rotten corpses in the anatomy lab, the school had no AC (except for the plush-carpet offices of the Administration-Natch.) According to USMLE performance data, the school also had a UMSLE Step 1 pass rate of 96 percent in 2018. What I am saying may come across harsh. I have been passionate about studying medicine. With help from family, friends, and an organization called Medical Education Cooperation with Cubawhich helps American students in Cuba prepare for their homecoming with scholarships, tutoring for U.S. exams, and connections to American medical networksshe returned home each summer, gaining experience at hospitals in Minneapolis, Oakland, and Washington, D.C. What medical school did you apply for ? Dont ruin your life chasing a career that saw its golden age come and go fifty years ago. Thats it. As I and many other students said it above, there are pros and cons coming here but at the end we have to be thankful that Caribbean schools are giving us a one-time opportunity to become physicians. I am an AUA med 5 student and having difficulty passing NAME. I disagree with you through and through. However, instead of doing whatever you have or had to do to be successful, you pass the blame on the school. As for the educational component of the school, the quality of education is variable. The school's website is available here. I think if you have no other option, Caribbeans is not a bad choice. classes from 8am to 12pm. I am same situation. What other option do I have if I want to eventually apply for residency in the US? They are supposed to act in the best interest of the student. Will anything ever be done about that evil institution? Our school placed a random selection of students in a motel 5 miles from campus. Youll see all the positivity in the brochures and the information sessions but I can promise you its a very different experience at least when youre on the island. Amazing. There was a push by physicians daddys NY/NJ, too, which caused Grenada to open. Like I said earlier, YOU ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR YOUR OWN SUCCESS regardless of where you attend medical school. There were no mandatory regulations for another comp exam in place, but while I was studying, the exam was implemented. i just want to go to a school in which most if not all the faculty kind of care about the students success and teach well. I know of at least one good Caribbean medical school. USMLE 1,2 clinical equivalent. I wont go into every detail, but SGUs Dept of Educational Services offers meets all throughout the week where students can learn the material that is being taught in class, in a smaller setting. I recently applied to SGU and have an interview in the next couple of days. I really appreciate your insights and candidness. So, if the faculty is accomplished, why would they work for less than they could get in the US? SGU only has a 12-15% attrition rate? The communication with SGU had been awful, and AUA has been very responsive, so we put a deposit down on a beautiful apt by Lord Nelson, but now hes reconsidering SGU because of their reputation. It is up to you to do your research before embarking on that journey. Yet, school position is, they have more than the minimum seat requirement for institution to qualify as one. As a result, 1200+++ student population versus 750 (number of seats that AUA claims to have- which include desks without chairs, desks with legs bent). Im sure that this mental stress is perhaps the worst amongst all that we have discussed. For comparison, UCLA medical school has about 160 in each class. It highlights the mind boggling amount of cash that is flowing in this industry. We would cool our heels for If so, do you think the same things occur around Europe? Medicine is no longer a profession. I graduated from AUC. I had a diverse amount of extracurriculars with international medical missions. Oh we know its 2018 and medicine has evolved so much, but right now only the 2014 edition of First Aid for the USMLE is available, but you can work with that right? Also most of the lecturers just read straight out of a review book, such as Kaplan or BRS, yet class is mandatory. I If you -if you fail how do the governments loans work? Besides meeting the admissions criteria, its as good idea as any to make sure you follow the process as smoothly as you can. You can do it!!! After graduating from E.L.A.M., Castillo returned to his Afro-indigenous village, in Honduras, and built the areas first free, community-run hospital. More unique is when you find people that really have the passion and heart for taking care of underserved patient populations. Right now I am leaning toward AUC because St. Maarten seems to be the best option for living (best access to groceries, night life, entertainment, etc.) Its true though, it depends how I put it, but that was some culture shock there and painful reality. Thanks. Thanks Eric. That is the speculation, but no one will really tell you what will be going on or at least want to tell you. I read the article that David wrote and I agree a lot with the things he wrote. Would you? You will have lives in your hands and you SHOULD be held to higher standards. We also have a health clinic on campus that also takes emergencies 24/7. This is actually beneficial for those living off campus. I have been reading through many of the negative posts and my thoughts have been similar to yours (Ivy League Army Doc). Who would not rather kill themselves than pay the institution for this abuse? So going to SGU or any of those other schools does not mean you are a Med School Reject or that youre stupid. Compared to U.S. or Canadian schools, however, especially those with strong rankings thanks to research, etc., its definitely not as good. Since 1987, no more than six per cent of medical students in the U.S. each year have come from families with poverty-level incomes. All rights reserved. But this is just my opinion. However, never did get my license because I was unable to sit Part II of the USMLE before I graduated, because I lacked one more core. Always lived at home, never had a job, mommy and daddy took care of everything, cant cook, bath when told only, etcand then you get a diamond every now and then. People are going to give you both what you deserve and what you dont deserve. I spoke with a lot of graduates and they had a great time, busy but great. My daughter goes to St.George University School of Medicine.I can only say good things.Their stats in USMLE passing rates are great much higher then US DO Schools.Resendency matching rates are fantastic.This School is harder to get in to,but highly recommend it.They post everything on line ,that you want to know,including name of student and resedency placed in by individual state in the US.The university is very organized,and makes best effort even for families,boyfriends of fiances that have accompanied the Med or Vet Student for the 5 quarters they have to stay in Grenada. Students can setup a meeting anytime with DES for advising/tutoring/etc.. Everything that they have to say about the Caribbean school life it is some time true in Canada as I was studying in the hospital theater where no place to put your books and no place to charge computer due to university rented rooms for a money. I know that saba has an extremely small class size which is very appealing to me as I believe an individualized learning approach is where i thrive however i also know that i need to self study as well on my own which i am not too scared of. I graduated from a Caribe school(Dom Republic) a long time ago at the onset of the surge of schools. I am taking the time to write this because Caribbean schools are not what people think they are, or at least my school is not what everyone says about Caribbean schools. The avg. PSA: you are MORE than capable of changing the world as an NP, PA, EMT, etc. While Saba used to have class sizes about 120 just a few (2-3) years ago, and can easily fit those sizes into their lecture theatres, however the total student population for all five semesters combined is now below this and the average class size for semesters 1 and 2 is below 20. This also gives students to build personal and professional characteristics required to be a successful medical student while further exploring whether medicine is really their calling. No one helped me when I asked if I should withdraw or not. school type of chap, and Definitely there were double-standards per- This certificate is very useful in the field of medicine. I can agree with just about everything Ive read here! Are you the type of person that can adapt easily and those things dont bother you? Your anonymous and if you had those grades you could get into MD or DO school in USA. Saba Medical School (Saba University School of Medicine) is located in The Bottom, Saba, in the Caribbean.This Caribbean medical school was founded in 1993 and has enrolled about 1500 MD students since that time. Please dont put people in the hands of these millennial students. Are you real? I told them I never got federal loans. NY, Canada, etc) you can receive more. Retake retake retake and reapply! A second chance is not often offered in life. These factors are critical because if you are in an environment that you hate, it makes it very difficult to focus on studies and to maintain healthy mental health. It is not that they are not intelligent, believe me I have met really intelligent individuals while being there. The negative attitude predominates on campus, so I chose to live off campus with success driven students to escape it. My cumulative gpa is 3.98, that was with working as a nurses aid. Something that makes Saba one of the more attractive options out of all the Caribbean med schools is its high residency match rate at 94%. Can retake the MCAT and reapply to med schools in the US, but that would push off my journey by two years. You are such an ignorant person that you have least idea about these highly competitive professions in USA. Id have to say that there was a certain element of chance with this whole experience. Saba medical school accepts about 95 students per year. It not a well appreciated or respected field. so this is a Dear people who made it as MD and later on people in charge and can make changes. My experience so far is a great one. Hi please I really need help and direction I will appreciate if we can talk am a Nigerian too considering going to the medical school in carebbean ,please call me 08035100134, Hi Pamela-this student does not indicate which Caribbean medical school he/she attended, Grenada or Dominica or others. Luckily there are post-bac programs, special masters programs and even night pre-req classes available to pre-meds that are motivated but still just below the bench mark of being accepted. I am an Air Force vet. In terms of professionalism and educational quality, it doesnt seem all that different from any other med school either. If one falls below 80% attendance they are automatically failed in the course. Many Ivy League and non-Ivy League medical schools are like that. Find out as much as you can, speak with students and alumns, and then make a choice to follow that path with open eyes. If not after you get ECFMG certified there is only a 50% match rate for IMG both US and non US citizen. Many of our professors did residencies in US or Europe and were by large very decent people and interested in teaching. We know that US medical schools are not the ivory towers either. Provisional CAAM-HP accreditation We also have free shuttles from the school to other places in the town (running frequently, 7 days a week from 7 AM to 2 AM or later). Were you not informed of the attrition rate? The recent 2019 sgu average step 1 score decreased from the years prior. You dont need to be a genius to be a doctor. Regarding emotional distress, as any medical school, anxiety and depression are the major problems but the suicidal rate is extremely low in this school. Only a few corpses from paupers graves in Gross Anatomy not cleaned up if you get my drift What happened to primary prevention? Education. Please PLEASE do not come to AUA. It would literally be impossible for them University to match as many people as the do every year and have a 40% attrition rate. I am currently in limbo with applying to Ross Univ. I have had 3 doctors have interns that didnt know the names of basic medical problems, medications, rapport with patients and are simply dumb as a box of rocks if you ask me. This is reality in Canada today. Also, you will have to teach yourself majority of the time, but like I said if you are dedicated you can do it, take it from someone who basically taught herself all of medicine coming out of high school. Ive always told myself that beggars cant be choosers so yes..going to a Caribbean school, there will be a ton of obstacles. I actually enjoyed my med 1 courses and like youve mentioned, I met some amazing people. I graduated from the University of Toledo with a BSc. How much does it cost for 7 years of medical school? The alumni association periodically brings graduates from the US and/or Canada to the school to talk about tips for residency, how to adapt in our transition when we return to the USA for clinicals, and how to study for USMLE, among other topics. Medical School is not that hard if you think about it. If you dont capitalize on it, its not anyones fault but your own. I really do want SJSM to succeed, because their success is good for me too. Determination is bs. even after a couple of years down the line and ive made a career and life doing something else. To start, you need to be financially secure. Why not go because, you will get accepted and graduate, but if you want to come back to the US you still have to pass the USMLE 1,2CK AND 2 CS to get certified and be eligible to find a job as an under paid intern. It is my mission. I am telling you you are making a mistake with this school. The flip side of THAT is: There are doctors practicing medicine that graduated from SJSM Jan 2020 - Apr 20211 year 4 months. Most of us elected to do clerkships in the States. Chukwumah I will like to get in touch with you. What kind of challenges do you want to put up with when a pre-med, when a medical student and do you really want to do the residency and be a doctor? Best thing is to know why you went there and enjoy what you can and what you are doing there. I dont know, I could be nave, since Im only in my second year here, but after being here for a year, you kinda have a sense for what is actually going on. Yet, they can effectively describe complex concepts such as cardiac pharmacology and explain to you and their parents about beta blockers etc. What year did you apply? And thats the outcome for the bright students. If you want a warm and fuzzy feeling and are not used to fighting for what you want, instead of waiting for it, then medical school is not for you 3. Do not let the bad experiences of some influence your future. In response to residency match rates: Its good to read all of them just in case you have a similar or positive experience if you do take the road abroad to the Caribbean. But, if you really want to become a physician, you have to think about your priorities in life and decide if you want to spend another year trying to get accepted in the US or rather start sooner than later in a Caribbean school. Your email address will not be published. Id never be able to sleep at night were I at the helm of one of these schools. SJSM is pure shit I am student there, they will not help you in any way. Used to study questions pretest, Lange books, and work backwards onto notes. Students are eligible for U.S. Federal and Canadian Provincial Loans Particularly in a newly-established school trying to increase their class size(s). I went to Noreste in Tampico 30+ years ago. But it does only accept around 95 students per year! I love my school and I am very grateful for this opportunity. Go easy on yourself (so you can do well, you cant stress when your work is already stresseing you, thats too much, go easy), and follow your destiny wherever it takes you. The only time this happens is when the instructor committed a serious crime and got stripped of their license to practice medicine. They dont push themselves with studying. Its accredited (provisional for the year via CAAM-HP), there are 2 Caribbean campuses (Anguilla and Saint Vincent) and a head office in Park Ridge Illinois. How did you manage to keep your soul? I was reprimanded when I asked what the screening practices were that allowed a criminal to teach us medicine. string you along, be the Grinch that stole Chanukah make you stay for Good luck! Before exam night cram so many questions into my brain and in hope will get enough correct to pass. Here are the results of recent residency matches for Saba students: In the U.S.* C/O R3 Education Inc. 27 Jackson Road, Suite 301, Devens, Massachusetts 01434, On Saba IslandSaba University School of MedicineP.O. If youre considering a Caribbean school, you dont have a GPA that will get you into a proper American school. Instead I chose nursing and just enough non-nursing science classes to earn a BA in biology also. It is as follows: Transcript fee: $10. They discriminate between students. 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