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Advanced Stem Cell Therapy with MSC

Understanding Regenerative Medicine will help you understand why stem cells are used to treat diseases and other conditions.

Let’s get started.

What is Regenerative Medicine?

Stem cell research led to the term 'Regenerative Medicine' becoming popular in the 1990s. Regenerative medicine restores or regenerates tissues damaged by diseases or injuries. Their method involves stimulating the body's natural healing abilities. For example, if someone’s nerve cells are damaged, regenerative medicine helps the patient’s natural healing system to repair the damaged cells or regrow new cells in their place.

What Are Stem Cells?

The human body is composed of hundreds of cells that perform many specific functions. Among these are stem cells that supply new cells responsible for regenerating tissues and keeping us healthy. As these cells are capable of dividing and differentiating into numerous types of specialized cells, they have great importance to the medical community.

Where Do The Stem Cells Come From?

Stem cells are found in numerous tissues, including bone marrow, dental pulp, umbilical cord cells, and umbilical cord blood. These cells are stored in cell banks to obtain high-quality stem cells in high quantities. Stem cells obtained from the umbilical cord, bone marrow, and adipose tissue are free from the risks of any complications, infections, disability, and immune rejection. Moreover, they are easy to get.

Types Of Stem Cells

A stem cell is classified based on its origin, the patient's needs, and its potential. All of them will be seen one by one.

Origin-based Categorization


These stem cells are also named adult cells and can be taken from just anybody. These cells are found in MSC niches of all tissues and parts of the body. Also, these cells remain dormant until they are activated.



These cells are found in embryos and are responsible for the development of all the tissues and organs of a fetus. Their ability to transform themselves into any cell type makes them unique. Researchers are interested in these cells, but their research is prohibited in many countries.



These cells are obtained from those tissues - placenta, umbilical cord, amniotic membrane, amniotic fluid and umbilical cord - which are discarded after the birth of a baby.



These are somatic cells reprogrammed into an embryonic-like pluripotent state by the expression of specific transcription factors. These cells can bring revolution in the field of medical science in years to come.


Patient-based Categorization


An autologous cell is obtained from the healthy blood stem cells of the patient to replace damaged bone marrow. The autologous stem cell transplant is also mentioned as an autologous bone marrow transplant.



These cells are obtained from a donor to replace damaged bone marrow and are mentioned as allogeneic bone marrow transplants.



Xenogenic cells are extracted from animals and used for implantation, transplantation, or infusion based on the needs of a patient.


Potential-Based Cells


Totipotent, also known as one-cell embryo cell, can create a complete organism.



These cells are obtained through cell reprogramming and can develop into any type of cell. These cells are not used in cellular therapies due to ethical conflicts and genetic instability. However, these cells have the risk of creating tumours.



Xenogenic cells are extracted from animals and used for implantation, transplantation, or infusion based on the needs of a patient.


Mesenchymal Stem Cell

Mesenchymal stem cells can regenerate themselves as well as differentiate into various tissues, such as bone, muscle, cartilage, connective tissue, and fat. They are found in many tissues, including bone marrow and fat tissue.


Hematopoietic Stem Cells

Found in the peripheral blood and the bone marrow, the Hematopoietic stem cells are immature cells developed into white and red blood cells and platelets.


Stem Cell Therapy

Stem cell therapy uses the body's natural healing ability to repair or regrow damaged or lost cells. It reduces inflammation and modulates the immune system. It is used to treat various health conditions, such as neurological, autoimmune, inflammatory, traumatic injuries, and orthopaedic conditions. Stem cell therapy has shown promising results when compared to other treatment options.

Mesenchymal stem cells are found in fat tissue, placental tissue, umbilical cord blood, umbilical cord tissue, and bone marrow and are used in stem cell therapy. Several ways can be used to administer stem cells to a patient: in veins, in the spinal canal, in the cerebrospinal fluid, and in the problem areas.

Why Do You Go For A MSC Treatment?

Health conditions can be fought and recovered by the body naturally. As we age, this ability decreases. The MSC treatment uses this ability of the body to repair or regrow damaged tissue. The MSC treatment stimulates the body's natural healing ability.


  • Alternative treatment for degenerative diseases
  • Less Likely to be rejected by the organism
  • Increases Recovery and Quality of Life
  • Slows or reverses the growth of the disease
  • Reduces Ageing Process and Rejuvenates Skin

MSC Treatment Process

The MSC treatment requires a highly skilled team with high technical and technological capabilities. An expert team performs many steps before starting MSC treatment, including

  • Collecting umbilical cords
  • Extensive safety and quality tests
  • The procedure by which they separate the MSCs of the tissue
  • Expansion or Cultivation
  • Cryopreservation if necessary

When it comes to performing cell therapy, the following steps are followed.

  • Examination of a patient, medical history, and current prescriptions
  • Preparation of patients with Bioregulatory Systems Medicine, Functional Medicine,
  • Orthomolecular Medicine, and Hyperbaric Medicine.
  • Cell therapy treatment
  • Regular monitoring

Is Stem Cell Therapy Right for You?

It depends on your physiological condition and the current state of your disease. After evaluating your health, your medical history, and your current medications, our medical team decides.

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